I was in my mid twenties and even if I say so my self I loved God - TopicsExpress


I was in my mid twenties and even if I say so my self I loved God and the things of God (still do) and I was more serious with God than most people would have given me credit for. I dont blame them, I did not look any bit like a spiritual person. I loved to wear shorts, had short dreadlocks, and wore earrings. to add to that someone once berated me for being too jovial for a Christian. I was never really considered for anything serious at the Church I attended but I knew there was something SPECIAL about me. It was not too long before I found out what it was. One day I was around a friends place and an issue came up that needed prayer. As I held the hands of the sister, I had barely opened my mouth when she was flung to the other side of the room by the power of God. I looked in shock towards two other people who were with us to see if they had any explanations only to see them on the floor slain in the Spirit. I was shocked. This had never happened and I took a look at myself to see if I was wearing a suit...How can this happen through me...knicker wearing, earring wearing me....It was not too long that I started really speaking in tongues (I say really because for years I had borrowed tongues). The atmosphere was charged and I did not want it to end. Suddenly, I understood why the atmosphere in Church was different whenever the powers that were allowed me to lead praise. I was GIFTED with the anointing. I found out FIRSTHAND that the ANOINTING IS A GIFT. God CHOOSES to gift whoever....There is no FORCING the anointing. That was about two decades ago and since then, I have seen God do many GREAT things through the anointing both in my life and in the lives of others. But in these twenty years plus, though I celebrate the anointing and ALL Gods anointed, I have also found out that IT IS CHARACTER THAT MAKES A MAN OF GOD AND NOT THE ANOINTING. It is important to note that THE ANOINTING IS NOT NECESSARILY THE SIGN OF GODS APPROVAL ON A PERSONS LIFE. Paul admonished Timothy to follow his manner of life. He was letting his spiritual son into the secret that only the fruit in Timothys life will carry the office and anointing committed to him. It is surprising that in writing to Timothy, Paul did not highlight the great miracles he (Paul) had performed as the examples to follow. He told Timothy to observe and follow his example of character which was validated in Galatians 5:22-23 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, 23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Now, here is my conclusion. Your man of God, the one that speaks into your life....do you believe he or she is of God only on the basis of the anointing? Are you like many who excuse the excesses of your your Papa or Mama with THEY ARE HUMAN? I agree, I also err but if a man or woman of God continues in a SINFUL lifestyle, the Bible describes them as deceivers and evil men. It is time to RUN for your dear life. I have learned that the ANOINTING is a GIFT but you have to work on your CHARACTER. Believe me that is NOT easy..1 Corinthians 9:27 (KJV) 27 But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway. This is not a price MANY are WILLING to pay. I am still WORKING on mine. I am a work in progress and I am happy to say that if you are willing, THERE WILL BE PROGRESS. You have the mind of Christ and you can see. It is time to STOP putting your destiny in the hands of people who the Bible say in 2 Timothy 3:8 are as Jannes and Jambres who withstood Moses, and also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith. It is time to get your family out of the grasp of those described in 2 Timothy 3:13 as evil men and seducers who shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived. CHARACTER IS EVERYTHING. Watch out for it in your PERSON of God. #jdkositamaduTHINKSaloud #seriously #wolvesandsheeps
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 19:42:59 +0000

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