I was in thoughts the other day. Deep thoughts that submerged me - TopicsExpress


I was in thoughts the other day. Deep thoughts that submerged me beneath the Zambezi river. Mugabe and the Rozvi polity? What is the connection, is there a connection? I contemplated. What is the link? Is there a link, some form of legitimate connection between the last ruler of the conquered BuKalanga Kingdom and the (elected) and now self imposed ruler of our Republic? What is the link between the Last legitimate Mambo of the Bukalanga Polity and Robert Mugabe, the first black President of Zimbabwe, a nation that arose from the ashes of the Bukalanga kingdom? The connection is difficult to see with naked eyes, it is a grey area, a vacuum that is occupied by empty thoughts, an epoch of distorted philosophical and political barrenness. Thats our epoch, our story, a very dark story it is! Arrested by these thoughts, my mind entered into a dreary wilderness. I was abandoned, on my own I had to find my way home. A nation doesnt automatically turn into a colony or Republic, I thought. A nation that succumbs to republicanism or colonialism would have slaughtered its traditional rulers, rejected their authority or the rulers were dethroned by external forces. I told myself. The French revolution and America s breakaway from Great Britain being perfect examples of the first two thoughts, Tshakas Nguni empire is a brilliant example of my third thoughts. The first two ushered in a new political era, an era of modern democracy as we know it today. A close look at their achievements, one is compelled to concede that theirs was a calling to expand a new type of thinking, a new epoch of political freedom. Freedom they duly afforded their kith and kin. Paying attention to my third takings-the Nguni invasion, I contemplated about an enemys most effective strategy of combat. What arsenal is an enemy likely to use to dominate his opponent. The strategies are varied and numerous. I cannot list them all here. Here,it is valid and accepted to state that white invasion of Africa was made possible by the dethroning of African Authority. The dethroning of legitimate Kings and their replacement with white colonial officials and African puppet chiefs is the strategy. It was an elaborate means to an End. The end (game) was white economic domination of the continent. And the Economy, what a complex matter it is. Europeans solved the equation, we havent, we wont, we cant, because there is a variable that is missing. The variable is legitimate authority. Turn to your history. In 1884, European rulers did not travel to Berlin to discuss noble political plans for the African continent, No, this wasnt agenda. The agenda was the economic subjugation of the continent. Africa is a source of raw materials and cheap labor, this is the end to their means. So here, it is the strategy that must exposed. Once in the naked view, the opponent is afforded the opportunity to attack and defeat. We have an opportunity, a chance to turn the impossible into reality, to attack and defeat. We are now informed that the continuation and indeed, the accelerated butchering of African economic bod can only be achieved through and by politics. The birth of what we call African politics is the strategy- Install a Puppet and all is good. If the puppet misbehaves, replace it. If Mugabe behaves, chuck him out, many are willing to wear this tainted garb. This is the modus operandi. Puppets are not the legitimate authority. They dont feel affection for a nation and its people like a legitimate ruler does. Legitimate rulers believe that they draw their authority from God. It is this divine link that gave them the heart to lead from the front, to perish with their troops, to lament when rains do not fall. Such affection is absent from African politics. So here we are again! What is the link between the last rulers of Bukalanga and Zimbabwe s first President, Robert Mugabe? What would a legitimate King have done in our situation? At Lancaster House- Did you expect the British, our colonial masters to hand over power to legitimate authority? After all the years they spent distorting our History- Did you expect them to -return the nation to a person or persons with divine authority. A person in whose veins is the blood of the last Bukalanga kings? Bloody stupid, do not be naive. Great theatricals took place at Lancaster house. A person who harbored both white and black interest was carefully chosen, he was supported and allowed to rule. This person knew it, he was a double agent. He played both sides. Secretly, whites knew this, they laughed at Africans, our good old Bob will preserve our economic hegemony, they scoffed. The losers here were Blacks who were being fed eloquent empty speeches and chimurenga slogans. If we accept that the economic subjugation of Africa was only made possible by the dethroning of African authority and their replacement with puppets, are we not in the same situation as our forefathers who woke up one day to discover new rulers in their sacred edifices? What and where does a Republic President like RG Mugabe draw their authority from. Does it not come from Lancaster House? Think about it. Arent they all puppets?
Posted on: Wed, 02 Apr 2014 20:03:27 +0000

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