I was just at Walmart picking up a few things and had to run to - TopicsExpress


I was just at Walmart picking up a few things and had to run to the car before my fingers went completely numb from frostbite. It sparked deep frustration thats been simmering in me all day like a pressure cooker, and many of you know that Im not a person to mince words and that I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut when it comes to the injustices of the world. Hopefully when Im 75 people will just think fondly of me as that saucy old lady with jaw dropping comments similar to Maggy Smith in Downton Abbey. (insert smart arse smile and wiggly eyebrows here.) Unfortunately, I have offended people, hurt feelings, caused arguments, and drove people to defriend me due to conflicting opinions about things. You can breathe easy, this is not directed at ANYone on my friends list, because these comments did not come from any one of you, and if you did, I didnt see it. It was from friends of friends of friends whose comments popped up in my newsfeed under other posts. The thing that really got my feathers ruffled today were all the comments made about kids not having school and that its only cold, no big deal. I saw this posted: when I was a kid we had to go in weather like this... Also, when you were a kid you didnt have nearly the amount of homework, testing, and other responsibilities these kids have in school. You probably had the luxury of having more recess time, music, PE, and art. Additionally, you didnt have to make up any days like these kids do now. Blizzard of 78 ring a bell? Geez, you got almost a month off school and didnt have to make it up. For goodness sake, give the kids a couple of days without giving them a hard time. Here was another comment I saw today, well, if I have to go to work, than teachers should have to go to work, too. Guess what, honey? We teachers didnt get paid for today. We have to make up the day right with the kids. I also saw, these kids are too pampered nowadays. In some ways, thats very true, but life threatening cold is not the time to teach the kids a lesson in toughening up. Finally, I saw, if I have to go to work, than kids should have to go to school. Really? Are you 7 because thats what youre comparing yourself to. Trust me, schools (and most teachers)...and even many kids, dont want school cancelled. Cut them a little slack, and support those educators you know. I was really proud of my friends that I saw defending the decision of the school corporations to cancel school. Now, go get cozy with your kids under a blanket, watch a movie, drink hot chocolate, and enjoy your family time together. :)
Posted on: Thu, 08 Jan 2015 23:57:49 +0000

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