I was just chatting with a dear old friend and this came to - TopicsExpress


I was just chatting with a dear old friend and this came to mind........sorry if I am ranting. As a teacher of middle school (who would have thought???) I often use stories of my past to try and make a difference in the lives of todays kids. I try to explain how much better things are (in some ways) today but how great things were back in the day. We were there to watch the launch of MTV when it was all about the music. Few people had full cable TV. Remember going down to the FIRST Blockbuster stores and having to rent a blue SUITCASE-sized box to watch the 1st VHS tapes and being able to experience a real movie in your home......and no commercials?? How about the introduction of the first home microwave ovens just to have popcorn to go with your movie?? We were all together when STAR WARS first came out, or when James T. Kirk first yelled KHAAANNNNN in the theatre and made our blood chill. Where did you first see ALIEN, or PREDATOR, or Freddie Kruger?? We were living it as it happened. Can you remember where you were and who you were with when you watched Jeff Spicolli on the BIG screen first say Hey bud......lets party? Or how about hanging out and going with your friends to see your first ever showing of The Rocky Horror Picture Show when it was ONLY show in select theatres and ONLY during midnight shows? Or what about your FIRST time viewing Pink Floyds THE WALL and having your mind blown because you just couldnt believe all that they put in that film? Home computers were still several years away and the internet was barely able to crawl. No one had cell phones.......we just talked at school and got together afterwards. With the advent of the net, kids have lost some of the rites of passage we had a chance to experience........the pure fun of sitting out in front of Toad Tape and socializing with your friends until all hours of the night.......in UTAH......and being able to have the police come by because they were looking out for us and not because they were trying to hassle us. They would sit around sometimes and talk with us for hours. We would run down to the donut shop to use the restroom and get food (missing Winchells). Or being in school when the first space shuttle did a fly-over or when it made its first full launch. Being around for the Challenger disaster or my actually being IN NYC during 9-11.I sound like I am 90-years old talking about the old days but I revel in the fact that WE WERE THERE when most of this happened for the first time.
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 16:01:32 +0000

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