I was just informed that a very good friend of mine was in a fatal - TopicsExpress


I was just informed that a very good friend of mine was in a fatal accident in Bartlett (Memphis) TN. Danny was a very kind man. I guess thats how we met at the local lawn repair center maybe 15 yrs ago. He would strike up a conversation with anyone. He would work on my home from removing trees, lawn work to deck work. We didnt always agree on everything. My favorite disagreement was using opti fuel in chainsaws, lawnmowers, and blowers. We would find anything to argue about. Then we would decide usually on Fridays to go to the Country Store off Watkins where they had a steak special. Most of the time it was Topps BBQ. He knew every waitress in there. Many times it was the Waffle House across the MS river bridge in Arkansas. Some of these places would raise the hair on my head. We had just spoken about taking a drive up to McNairy County where the famed Bufford Pusser of Walking Tall is based. He told me the real story of all of those people involved. I think he knew some of them. My favorite dinner was treating him to Texas De Brazil Churrascaria in downtown Memphis. That was an experience! Since I didnt let him see the bill, he asked me Youre not hitting on me, are you? But thats Danny. I had to tell (well he beat me to it) everyone at the Small Engine Shop on Navy Rd. that story. Thats Ill usual hangout place when I am in town from flying. I have been adopted up there by the Paine family. Great Thanksgiving dinners. I could fly in the night before at midnight but I had to see my family The Paines the next day and they were always honest of the way I looked after flying 14 hrs. It didnt matter, Danny would roll in about 10AM after me. We would disagree about something then he would talk me into going to the nitro drag race that evening. (Me at a Nitro drag race without earplugs). Danny would talk me into anything. He still has ladders in my garage from the past 10 years. I guess that always meant that he always had a reason to stop by. He had the codes to my house. Ring the front door, call from his phone when I didnt answer, and head to my backdoor where he knew I slept on the couch... and wait for me to answer. He always introduced me as his pilot buddy. There were times he would show up and say Get dressed we are going out to eat. You look tired! My response, Well Danny, I just flew in from China last night and I HAVE BEEN SLEEPING! Danny again- Well, I am waiting in the truck lets go and get something to eat Thats Danny! I was texted by my neighbors that a bolt of lightning had split my Bradford Pear in two that now blocked the street. I called Danny. His response Well its still raining. I can cut it up after the lightning stops...in about an hour. I had to stop him. Danny it can wait until...whenever Again thats Danny. Oooo he had some stories about Memphis 30-40 yrs ago. He would point out places that I wouldnt be too welcome. He was one beautiful Brother. I now feel that I had taken our friendship for granted. He was out doing his usual- a dinner at Applebys and a movie on Stage Rd. Man, you are missed right now. Sitting around the Small Engine Repair shop is really really going to be hard. Really hard. Have a well deserved rest my friend. I am really fortunate. I have been blessed with really good people in my life. This is not an accident. Danny was one of the best. Much love and No, I wasnt hitting on you. I just enjoyed your company. I should have told him that more, I think he knew.
Posted on: Wed, 15 Oct 2014 05:39:27 +0000

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