I was just talking about this with my sister... a woman at my job, - TopicsExpress


I was just talking about this with my sister... a woman at my job, a client, came in two days ago and was defending the man who was responsible for the most recent incident with leaving a child in a hot car which resulted in death... the conversation went like this... client: I dont think that the man left the baby in the car intentionally, so no I dont think he should serve time for a crime that he didnt commit, besides there isnt even enough evidence on him... Rodney /Stylist: maaannn women u got to be crazy!... do u have any kids?? client: no, but I have a dog and I treat my baby as if she was a child, but thats besides the point... the man was deaf in one ear... so Im quite sure he couldnt hear the child especially if he fell asleep on the way to where they were going and prosecutors also found what they say is evidence on their home computers about research on how long a dog could be in a car with no air... I truly feel like they were only looking that up to know what not to do with a child.... or maybe it really was for a pet.. Me: excuse me, if u dont mind me asking do u honestly think that with them looking that information up online and then having their son die in that same situation only a couple days later wasnt purposely done???? thats the best example of poor evidence that u have on the prosecutors??? client: yes I do... everyone listening: uhmm! Me: sooooo, u would actually leave your dog in your car that long with no way to get air?? client: no dogs are way more active than kids, and sleeping kids at that... my dog wouldnt let me forget that she was in the car trust me... Me:????...... so its the almost 2yr old infants fault that he died...because his father, who is supposed to love him more than his own self, leaves him in the car to die??? client: no, thats not what Im saying, I just feel like this man isnt having a fair trial, I feel that he really made an honest mistake and forgot the child was in there and didnt hear the child! he was deaf in one ear... Me: Mamm! he was deaf in one ear! one! that means the other ear is twice as strong enough to hear any and every noice/sound that the child could or would have made between leaving his house and going to his job.. now he scrapped that child in that seat that morning unless he is registered and in the system as special he hasnt purposely forgot to take that baby to daycare nor that the child was in the car its really unbelievable... and even when getting back in that car on his lunch break Mamm by me knowing how old that child was and how long he was inside that car u know the baby had to use the bathroom if not twice at least one time! and his nose was working just fine so I know he smelled something and looked back.... common since! client: and that makes since so what would u do if u were in charge of his trial... a couple yrs in jail? prison? Me: I would lock him in the same car he locked that baby in... park him in a place with no trees or buildings in site for at least two miles at the peak of the day in this Georgia Heat and send someone to check on him in 6-8 hours... they wanted that child gone Mamm... and that is not fair and disturbing to know but thats the world we live in. client: I just didnt think any human being would do such a thing.... - at that point I stopped talking to her because I realized how simple she was. I hope this man can make a difference in any parent or persons life who has even imagined of doing something so cruel to any child.... no matter how much they do their here for a purpose and God is in control of taking lives not us... well we shouldnt be. if having and keeping a child is a hassle do not kill them give them to someone who will love them and bring them up as they should be.
Posted on: Sat, 12 Jul 2014 23:07:05 +0000

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