I was just talking to someone earlier about my views on the - TopicsExpress


I was just talking to someone earlier about my views on the supernatural. Paranormal studies, demonology, psychic readings, all that. A lot of people think that I flat-out do not believe in that stuff-- which is not the case. I do have *issues* with that stuff, though, so Im going to take a second here to clarify my position. I havent seen *evidence* of some metaphysical world. This doesnt mean I dont believe there is a possibility of some supernatural elements within our world, because, yes, I do believe its *possible*. On an individual basis, however, I am *highly* skeptical. My reasons for this are many, but one large part of it is: I believe skepticism regarding the invisible world is *imperative*. Because we live in a world where countless people will-- and do-- try to take advantage of others beliefs in such things, whether were talking about spirits or the spiritual. I had a mentor who would go around proclaiming that he could hear peoples thoughts and that he could bind them or otherwise affect them through mystical means, in an effort to intimidate and influence them. I also knew someone who admitted to me that they would provide people with fake palm-readings, simply to scam them out of their money. *I* used to do the same scam, back when I was homeless, because I was a self-proclaimed occultist at the time, and it was an easy way for eighteen year-old pissed off at the world me to make some quick cash. So yeah-- look, if you believe in the invisible world-- thats *okay*! Ive got no problem with that! But be *vigilant*, is all Im saying-- because there are a number of sharks out there in your mystical waters, and their conscience is tres limited.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 15:50:02 +0000

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