I was just thinking…Is it an honest assessment to say that - TopicsExpress


I was just thinking…Is it an honest assessment to say that “ISIS is not Muslim and not a religion” as the president said in his prime time speech? He also said: “no religion condones the killing of innocent people.” Obama doesn’t know much about the history of religions. The actions of ISIS grows out of their beliefs in the Muslim religion based on the Koran. For example in AL Koran, chapter XLVII, entitled “Mohammed; Revealed at media,” it says: “When ye encounter the unbelievers, strike off their heads, until ye have made a great slaughter among them; and bind them in bonds; and either give them a free dismission afterwards, or exact a ransom; until the war shall have laid down its arms.” At times in their history this has been their pattern of action in war. There is little doubt that “unbelievers” means anyone not in agreement with Mohammed, the Koran and the Muslim religion. Unbelievers are often referred to as infidels as in chapter five. “They are infidels, who say, Verily God is Christ the son of Mary.” Surely, all Muslims do not believe as ISIS does, however, they are sympathetic to them if they do not speak out directly against their horrendous actions. Like many religions, the average Muslim is not allowed to think alone or question anything. Beliefs and practices emanate from dictating leaders! Often the loudest message comes from the mouth that is shut. This is always the case when others are suffering unjustly and being slaughtered. It behooves Muslims who do not agree with ISIS to boldly denounce their vile practices or they condone their actions with silence and neglect. In any religious group it behooves believers (especially leaders) to speak out against the radical unfounded interpretations of what they consider to be the truth of their authoritative writings. Sometimes Christians are accused of being argumentative because they allow no one to dictate the truth to them unless anchored in the Bible and the leadership of the Holy Spirit. But Christians who dialogue and defend their beliefs put them before the public for evaluation. Sometimes they adjust their interpretations when more insight is gained. Usually, they come out stronger with a clearer understanding if it is an intelligent open dialogue and not an exercise in ignorant hammering on others to build an ego. The issue of religious authoritative writings is more than debates about beliefs. Behind all beliefs based on the Bible or the Koran is the vital issue of the method of interpretation. Share with me what method you use to interpret and I will easily see what your beliefs are going to be. If Christian groups could ever agree on an honest and fair method of interpreting scripture, many denominational groups would soon find that their differences would begin to dissolve and they would join into more cooperative efforts while remaining independent. In so many cases religious groups are not taught to think for themselves and discover an honest method of interpreting their writings. Many groups are dictated to by their leaders who want those in disagreement to disappear. Too often leaders love power and want followers to be ignorant and dependent. People are often told they must agree to be accepted. Too often distinctive matters in a church or religion do not come from scriptures but man made rules and narrow interpretations by leaders. These are serious factors in the development of many religious groups. For the future leaders of America Christians had better begin a serious dialogue with leaders of the millions of Muslims living here (if they are willing) to understand how they interpret this writing called the Koran and how we understand the Bible. Shall we mention there are also seventy Muslim countries! Issues on matters such as Muslim beliefs on the treatment and value of women are diametrically opposed to Christian teaching. Sticky as the issues are, it is best to lay beliefs out on the table to discover a clear basis for why they are believed and practiced. If not, the ignorant and oppressed in any religious group are just pawns on a religious board. ISIS is a religious group based on their interpretation of the Koran and Muslim rules. It is a sick, evil, oppressing and perverted religious group fighting a holy war justifying the murder of anyone not conforming to their interpretation of religion. We can’t afford to put up with this nonsense and Christians need to educate themselves to what these people believe!
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 23:50:54 +0000

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