I was just thinking about how thankful I am for all that I have. - TopicsExpress


I was just thinking about how thankful I am for all that I have. Sometimes life gets us so busy that we forget to be thankful. Im thankful for my mom and all she does. The trips we have been able to go on, the food we have, all the unnecessary things that a lot of kids dont have, etc. Im very thankful for how understanding, giving, and caring she is as well. Im also thankful for my close friends. Im thankful for Rebecca Mccann and our friendship. We live in different states and get to see each other twice a year if were lucky, yet we have been friends for going on 10 years. She one of my only friends I consider 100% family and I KNOW no matter what happens she will be there and vice versa. I am also thankful for Jordyn Taylor. We have been friends since middle school and we dont talk as much as we used to because we are so busy, but that friendship is still there- strong. Taylor Schloegel as well. Friends since 2nd grade and we still have kept being friends. Heather Curry for putting up with me and studying with me for our classes. For being my friend, listening to me, and helping me when I need help. There are so many people Im thankful for I could write a book. Fact is, Ive been through some hard things in my past. Things that almost broke my spirit, but it didnt. Why? Because when I was at my lowest I had so many people bringing me back up. Im proud of the person I am today. Im thankful for how forgiving I am, how thoughtful I am, and for being me. My friends have made me realize that I really am a great person, even when I didnt feel like one. I love you all more than you know. Even if I dont text, call, etc as much as I should. 😍😙💗
Posted on: Sun, 07 Dec 2014 03:34:27 +0000

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