I was just thinking…in the Bible the worst inequality on earth - TopicsExpress


I was just thinking…in the Bible the worst inequality on earth is the lack of opportunity to know Christ and his gift of eternal life. Spiritual inequality is eternal while physical inequality on earth is temporal. H.C. considers running for president on the theme: “The cancer of inequality.” It is ironic that one of the richest former Baptist politicians backed by the richest supporters is going to seek election for president by trying to convince the poor and underprivileged she and her party will make them equal to the elusive group of privileged people. Jesus once said, “The poor you have with you always.” (Matthew 26:11) By now we ought to know that you cannot legislate equality nor legislate everyone out of poverty. This is especially true in the present administration that refuses to enforce the law and perverts the law for what they consider to be socially cool. A hundred thousand laws on the books would have already achieved equality! Laws don’t really make people equal. It is personal effort, hard work and making the most of individual opportunities that brings achievements to individuals after which they are still not equal to everyone else! Beside this, no one can even get a consensus on a definition of equality. It is becoming a personal smoke screen term to fool people into thinking they really will get something for nothing. It is the same old deceptive promise couched in a new campaign phrase. People never have put forth the same effort in working, being responsible, taking advantage of their present opportunities, sharing with others and being grateful for whatever they have in life. Rich politicians who want someone to believe they will work for equality (especially financial equality) might try giving away everything they have to the poor and underprivileged to prove they will really work for equality if elected president. Oh, but then they would become ten times richer after being elected into a government system that allows them special privileges like determining their own salary and eternal retirement and insider information for multiplying their personal investments! In the scripture there was a Rich Young Ruler who could have run for president. He believed he was equal enough with God to be saved by keeping religious rules according to his own personal interpretation but would not give away his own personal riches because he didn’t really believe the poor deserved to be equal to him financially. (Matthew 19:16-22) This rich young ruler chocked on this truth all the way to hell. Politicians promising riches and equality to the poor are not talking about giving away all their money to prove a genuine heart, they are talking about taking away the money of tax paying Americans and redistributing it to poor voters they hope will elect them to an office of riches. This political mumbo jumbo is from another planet compared to what Christ did for all of us poor sinners. “Though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that by his poverty you might become rich.”(II Corinthians 8:9) The poorest people on earth are those who have no preacher, teacher or Christian friend to help them hear and see the offer of Christ to have eternal life. When John the Baptist needed encouragement in a dark prison cell awaiting death, Jesus sent back his disciples with the message, “Tell John “the poor have good news preached to them.” (Matthew 11:5) This good news was not that they would get free money, clothes and food. It was that they were hearing the message of salvation through repentance of sin and acceptance of Christ who would lead them home to heaven for eternity. Anyone reading the Book should figure out that this “poor” group got the message of Christ out to the world through sacrifice, hard work, investing their own money and they considered it the greatest riches to be had on earth! This “poor” group was motivated by the Christ within to work hard, earn their own living and help those less fortunate. Even the poorest of them like those in Macedonia shared out of their poverty to help the less fortunate. (II Corinthians 8:1-5) This is the kind of “equality movement” needed in American and it will not come through government and manmade laws trying to enforce it! It will only come by people coming to know Christ and his leadership within to not only voluntarily help the less fortunate but make sure they get their chance at eternal life. Being lost, staying lost and dying lost is the worst inequality in America and in the world.
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:33:26 +0000

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