I was just thinking to myself and talking to myself, by the way, - TopicsExpress


I was just thinking to myself and talking to myself, by the way, there is nothing wrong with talking to yourself, kids, if people tease you because you talk to yourself, if you are able to, beat their ass right then and there. That will establish your Dont pick on me zone, it will make your life a lot easier. Just be careful not to become a bully. The worst thing a person can become is a Bullyand one of the worst things that can happen to you,is to be come a victim of a Bully. If you arent physically able to, just ignore them, and know that you talk to yourself ,because you trust yourself and best of all you like yourself. Humans dont care to talk to people they dont trust or like, so you are way ahead of them as for as mental and emotional development and sense of self. Sometimes if youre surrounded by idiots, its a viable option. Our society was taught that response to discourage you and hold you back down to their level, dont think you are better than they are, you are not. But, you are more likely able to see through bullshit and false pretense before it gets a chance to develop. The handful of people that run the show today have always been in power, their bloodlines go back thousands of years. Supposedly The great rulers of societies such as Egypt, Rome, Mesopotamia etc. and theyve found that a society that is divided, with limited information and fearful of each other is a lot easier to manipulate and dominate, thus our present day situation. Anyway that wasnt the point I wanted to make, I dont remember what was. Oh well, as a kid, I used to daydream a lot. People would say off in your own little world?, I remember I replied many times, My world is not so little, its a lot bigger than this one and there are actually smart people there. They didnt get it.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 01:40:33 +0000

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