I was just writing to a friend who had loaned me the book - TopicsExpress


I was just writing to a friend who had loaned me the book Compelled By Love by Heidi Baker back in 2009. After reading the book I told Craig Gandy, Jonathan Gandy and Jamie Gandy how Heidi had to lose everything to walk in Gods anointing. Then I told them that if we really wanted to see the blind see, the lame to walk and healing to occur in our ministry we would have to undergo severe testing. And we did. We lost our home on January 4th 2010. Putting everything in storage but a suitcase for our clothes we lived day to day trusting God for money for a hotel. So many times we would have a friend call us for filming that they needed, or a wedding event that needed servers, bicycles at WalMart that needed us to put together or someone God placed on their heart to donate to our ministry. Over and over we saw how much God loved us as we trusted Him. About a year later we got behind on our storage and lost everything we had in storage. I told God if we knew that we were going to lose all the stuff we could have saved 2,000. But He told me that my heart was not ready to lose everything back then. God had to let me realize that the stuff of this world does not matter. But my baby pictures of my beautiful children was what made my heart hurt the most. Craig got an email from the man who bought our storage unit. He buys units all the time, but he wrote Craig that he wanted to return some of our stuff and arranged to bring it back to a small unit for us to pick up. The manager was amazed because he had been managing storage units for over 15 years and he never had seen anyone do that. When Craig and I went to the unit there sat all his files and plans that he had written with Gods instructions, there were my photo albums and Jamies Bible that she asked God for. God is so amazing! We had 5 years in media ministry, 679 programs produced and numerous productions that we helped other producers and Channel Austin with even though we were without a permanent address and very little money. The hardest treasure of all the world we lost a week ago today. My awesome husband and fantastic father and step father to my children. The pain of not having him with us is unreal. He was our leader and the one that always brought God in to our family. He shared God with Everyone he met. I have never met anyone so passionate and so in love with God. Sometimes I think I can not breathe when I realize he will not be there for us. This week our family has received so much love from our friends. I have tried to stay busy planning the most beautiful services that money can buy without any money. When I received an email from Senator Dr. Donna Campbells office that she wants to honor my husband with a Senate Resolution and fly a flag over the State Capitol I broke down with overwhelming tears as I know that he would be so honored. He loved all that Senator Campbell did and he said her prayer at the Governors Prayer breakfast was the most anointed prayer. It is truly amazing that a man is so honored in our State because of all that he did for others even though he owned nothing but his treasured bible and clothes that were usually given to him, drove a 20 year old blue suburban, cared for a son that was paralyzed by two car accidents, had unconditional love for his wife that complained way too much and was truly blessed by the love of his two youngest children who would do anything for him and his ministry to share Gods word and love with others. Last night his precious body was picked up by the funeral director from the hospital. Each day my heart broke because we did not have the money to have his body picked up. I do not know how to write this. How to explain how much it broke my heart each day. Especially when I was told that Brackenridge only has 2 storage units for bodies. So everyone that has died this week was immediately picked up except this awesome man that loved God with all his heart. As the week went by they never called me to say I needed to have him picked up. The Chaplain met our family, the doctors and nurses and they were so touched by us and our love that they continued to care for him even after death. It is only by the love of our Savior and our friends that we are able to continue. We invite each one of you to one or all of the Special Memorial Services for J. Craig Gandy on Friday and Saturday. Please come by and let us give you a hug for loving and praying for us.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:45:07 +0000

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