I was led to share this prophesy, it truly lines up with all that - TopicsExpress


I was led to share this prophesy, it truly lines up with all that has been spoken.. Father forgive us, keep our hearts upright before You.. Our eyes only on You... Guard your hearts and minds. Posted on August 17, 2014 by Kevin Barrett Greetings Dear Saints, Today I wish to share something that has been on my heart lately regarding certain events that have been taking place in Ferguson, Missouri. I will keep this short and to the point as the Lord has led me. The enemy is using events and the media to establish indomitable opinions in people’s minds and hearts to prepare people to take sides in the coming civil unrest. It is so important that we keep our minds and hearts focused on Christ and do not allow ourselves to form opinions in these intense matters. If we allow ourselves to get caught up in forming opinions, then we will become susceptible to the coming civil wars that are coming to both inside and outside of the church. I have a feeling that something very tragic and impactful may happen that will start the massive civil unrest. So we are to be diligent in guarding ourselves from falling into this war. I feel led to re-post a prophetic word the Lord gave me right after the 2012 presidential elections. I believe it to be a timely warning for us. I have chosen your leaders in the White House to do My bidding. Get ready. Posted on November 8, 2012 by Kevin Barrett This morning while praising the Lord, He said these words to me: Son, tell My people that I hear their cries as they come before Me with a repentive heart. Word of the Lord: Oh, My people, I have not let you go. I hear your prayers and your cries. Yes, I am still in control. But hear Me, My people. Your ways are not My ways. For My ways are much higher than yours. I am the one that sets up kings in the land and I bring them down. It is I that has chosen the leaders for your country. Oh, My little ones, do not fear. For I am about to do a mighty work in those that truly seek Me with a pure heart. I am now separating the sheep from the goats. And the goats shall go down one path and the sheep another. For I am about to make a clear distinction between those that are truly Mine and those that claim My name, but their hearts are far from Me. Oh, My little ones, watch what I am about to do. For it will be in your political arena that a division will be started that will divide your precious land called America. And each side will feel that they are right and should be vindicated. But I tell you now that neither side shall be righteous in their stance. And those that are Mine shall discern the evil in this civil war and come out from among all that is not of Me. For I and I alone shall receive glory in these days and it shall now begin with My people separating themselves unto Me. I shall reach down from heaven and strike the false shepherds and even they will join sides in this civil war to come. This is how you shall know who is of Me and who is an impostor. For those that make peace shall be called the sons of the living God. Oh, My people, why? Why do you burden yourselves with what you see in the place called White House? Have I not told you in My word that you are not of this world? Then why entangle yourselves with the affairs of men? For it is I that guides the hearts of kings and I shall use this place you call White House to do My bidding. Yes, My children, the America you have known and loved is no more. And I have done this as I am pouring forth My judgments across this nation that was once great. But hear Me, My people. Those who are Mine shall not weep over this because they know that their true citizenship is in My Kingdom. And it matters not where My children dwell in the earth realm. So long as they dwell in My Kingdom, I shall provide for, and I shall protect those who are mine. But for those who only call themselves by My name but do not follow Me; woe unto you. For your hour has come that destruction shall come upon you and you shall not escape. I love you all, dear children, with an everlasting love. But for too long I have cried and cried out for you all to repent and turn from your wicked ways. I shall now bring My judgments down upon every household. And those not found resting in My mercies through repentance shall be judged swiftly according to their deeds. Many shall even fall by the sword as I sweep across this land with My hand of destruction. Woe unto those who have not heeded My warnings to repent. You mocked My cries for you to repent and turn at My reproof, so I shall now laugh at your calamity. And I will turn a deaf ear to your cries to me when this happens because you chose not to turn at My reproof. But for those who know not of My ways nor know of My love, I shall have pity upon you if you cry out to Me with a repentive heart. For I have not had those in the land who would be willing to preach My love and forgiveness to the lost. My people sit back in their comfortable houses while many of My lost children wonder the streets in hunger. This ought not to be so. But as I cried out to many of My own and they answered not, I shall now cry out to those in the highways and byways and bid them to come into My house. And for those who chose not to answer My call, I tell you now, they shall not sit at My table and taste the good of the land anymore. For I am God and I change not. I have warned of these things in My word. But many of My people choose not to correct themselves and think that I will overlook their sin and selfish ways. Woe unto those who have believed the lies of the false shepherds and prophets. They say all is well when it is not. For I am displeased with My house and now the sinners in Zion shall be afraid. Hear Me, My little ones. Get your house in order and prepare to be visited by the All Mighty. I love you, My children, and do not desire that any should perish. But now is the time to fulfill ALL of my word. Are you right with Me according to My word? Or have you believed the lies of the false shepherds that say that I am a loving God who no longer judges? Lies I tell you. All lies. Yes, I am a loving God. But My love is holy and demands holiness. Get ready, My children. For now is the time for My judgments to fall upon each household and every person. Where shall you stand at My approaching? In Me, or in your lies and deceit? The choice has always been yours, My little ones. ** Special Note** If anyone is led to give a donation, in even a small amount, it is greatly needed and appreciated. I trust the Lord to guide those who He knows has His heart in giving. Blessings to you all. Your brother in Christ, Kevin B.
Posted on: Thu, 21 Aug 2014 03:12:18 +0000

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