I was led to write these words this morning - I hope you will take - TopicsExpress


I was led to write these words this morning - I hope you will take the time to read them. Maybe God will speak to you as He spoke to me... and there came a Y by phil t Recently I watched an action adventure movie full of tantalizing plot twists. As I watched I remember consciously feeling my pulse rising as the main characters fought desperately for their lives. In the final seconds of the movie the audience was given hints of possible endings but we were left hanging. Part of me wanted the typical and trite happy ending but I reminded myself that the unresolved tension is more true to life. Most of us probably carry the unresolved tension from interrupted dreams, shaken relationships or ego shattering failures. As we walk lifes wildly winding path we inevitably come to a Y. While many are probably not consciously aware of the choices - a choice is inevitably made. Only two options are presented: Left path option 1: Gray shadows hoover over this past, yet there is a strange comfort in reliving the path already traveled. We can lament the past loses looking longingly into the rear view mirror. In this scenario we replay the caustic comments cast upon us by other shriveling souls... Here are a few examples from my journey that I sometimes replay: Example 1: Thompson your nothing but a hacker - said to me by my hockey coaches son (our starting center) after I stole the puck from him during a scrimmage. Even though Im sure he forgets ever having said those words my soul enemy has regurgitated those demeaning words often enough that part of my subconscious self has unfortunately become defined by them. Example 2: I dont think one of your spiritual gifts is speaking - said to me by a very prominent pastor of a mega church after I spoke one weekend while he was away. Later someone who knew him very well told me that his modus operandi historically was to tear down anyone that he viewed as a threat. While hearing that helped buffer the blow it still stung because up until that time I had been strongly led by God to speak on His behalf. There are probably a dozen other examples I could share and my guess is that even as youve been reading this some of the ugly words from your past have come to mind. We all have been belittled, criticized, bullied or marginalized and those memory maggots have a way of tunneling deep into our psyche. If we chose the left path the soul sucker wins by stealing hope as we allow ourselves to be defined by our pasts. Right path option 2: There is a fear instilling brilliance that illuminates the right path. There dangles a luring promise that is tempered by the unknown. Yet those with faith in their Creator will be enticed to explore. This path convinces us that within each of us are some yet undeveloped, untapped, unrealized potential. The Creator literally chuckles with glee as previous prairie chickens begin to spread their new found eagle wings. The focus now is clarified (not clouded) as the journeyers view their redemptive potential through the lens of the one who thinks more highly of them than they could ever have previously imagined. This is no power of positive thinking mantra that is self generated. It involves a clarified calling that comes from the Spirit showing us our unique God given gifts and strengths followed by Him showing us how we can best use them in service to others and our Father. Yes it is a positive path (not because it is self serving) because we are never more fully ourselves than when we fully divest ourselves in serving. The right path gets us out of pondering our past as we intentionally serve others. It really is this simple! Take the left path and become paralyzed and pulverized by our past pain only to then become self obsessed with pain placation. -or- Take the right path (die to self) and find life that far exceeds anything this world offers. I am consciously choosing the right path today! Care to join me???
Posted on: Sun, 07 Sep 2014 17:40:30 +0000

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