I was listening to Donnie Swaggart preach a little bit ago, with - TopicsExpress


I was listening to Donnie Swaggart preach a little bit ago, with the studys from the Bible that I have read recently this past few days, it all showed me something that not every Preacher in other meeting Houses, aka, Church buildings built by man, I have also ran into individuals that has also bought into the lie of man. They say that the Church that they may attend to does not believe in being Saved by the Holy Ghost and in the evidence of speaking in other tongues. I have ran into people and Churches that say that you are not Saved, unless you are Water Baptized. Any Church who covers the Cross of Jesus Christ and says that the Cross is old fashion and they dont want to offend anyone, they dont Preach about Jesus Christ, Him Crucified and Preach on the Cross of Calvary, that is being seeker sensitive and those Churches and people are not Saved and are rejecting Jesus Christ and God is not in those meeting Houses or Church buildings or in the hearts of those who are that way. They worship another Jesus and not Jesus Christ. You are Saved by accepting Jesus Christ into your hearts, Believing on the Cross and Him Crucified. Belief and Faith in Jesus Christ Brings Baptism of the Holy Ghost, then you will be Saved. Water Baptism is works, Jesus Christ already did the Work for us, all s we need to do is to accept Him in your Hearts, then you will be Saved. If you continue to live in sin and do not turn away from sin and dont repent for your wrong doings, then you are not Saved. You have to allow God to transform your Life and you need to make the change from the way that you are living in, for the Kingdom of God. Once saved always saved is a lie, straight from hell, known as false doctrine. Sinners are in big trouble with God already, if they dont accept Him and turn away from sin, but the so called Churches and so called Christians, that continues to live by what is mentioned up above, is in worse trouble than a non believer. There will be many so called Christians in hell, for living by the false teachings of the world. Repent and accept Jesus Christ today and make the change in your life, before its too late. You time is running short my friends, this may be the only day for your Salvation to get Reborn Again. God Bless.
Posted on: Sat, 16 Nov 2013 23:06:53 +0000

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