I was listening to a song by Chris Rice yesterday…Ive heard it a - TopicsExpress


I was listening to a song by Chris Rice yesterday…Ive heard it a number of times, but for some reason I listened and truly heard the words with my heart of hearts. Maybe it was because I was missing Robin as she had to go north to attend to some business and I was alone. Maybe it was because I was feeling a bit nostalgic thinking of old friends and days gone by..Not really sure but I wanted to share the words he sang and a few thoughts they provoked within me. By the way, the name of the song is Life Means So much, give it a listen if you have a chance… Every day is a journal page Every man holds a quill and ink And theres plenty of room for writing in All we do is believe and think So will you compose a curse Or will today be the blessing fill the day with rhyming verse Or some random sketching? Teach us to count the days Teach us to make the days count Lead us in better ways that somehow our souls forgot Life means so much Life means so much Every day is a bank account And time is our currency So nobodys rich, nobodys poor We get 24 hours each So how are you going to spend will you invest or squander to try to get ahead? Life means so much Life means so much. These words tore through my heart as I felt the Spirit of my Lord hammer me in my solar plexus…What does life mean to you David? I thought of opportunities wasted…of relationships squandered…of times where my heart wandered and my sight deceived. I thought upon what really and truly matters in this life. I thought mostly of what my legacy will be and what others will see when Im no longer here. Humbling moments for sure. Each day is a blank page…I have only the moment I am living in to make my life count..will I waste it chasing my imaginings or will I use it to bless the life of another. My dad, Jim Root, was such a great example of living selflessly. He always taught me my life was not my own, but it was for me to give away. Jesus Christ lived a life that was selfless. I say I follow Him and believe that He is the Savior of the world…He teaches me my life is not mine own, but it is here for me to give away. Youd think with such great examples to follow I would have learned this fact by now. Lord help me to make my days count..afterall…Life means so much…. Jesus, I dont know how you do it, but it seems even in the most commonplace You find ways to pierce my heart with new lessons and reminders of who I am to be in You. Thank You Lord for reminding me that every second counts…that with every breath I take there is an opportunity. Let me not squander one single moment. Lord I truly am thankful You have established me at this beautiful University. I pary that You use me to touch the lives of all I serve here. Especially I pray I am a blessing to those I have the privilege to lead. Watch over their lives today I ask dear Jesus. I continue to lift Dana Gilreath Hale to you Lord and ask for healing and recovery. Lord Jesus I pray for Shirley Rhyne and ask that you help her get past this troubling cough. Father be with my precious wife Robin McKinney Root as she travels today. Protect her from any harm I pray. I also ask that you touch Kaitlyn Olivier Yates today and help her recover from that sore throat. Lord as I sat wistfully thinking of friends yesterday, Cynthia Atchley came to mind, as did Elaine Doss, Scott Burnett, Carol Buckley Green, and Becky Walker. Thank you for all they have contributed to my life and Father, please allow me to be a blessing to theirs. Be with my children today Lord. Help make the paths they walk safe and straight. Now Lord …There id the day before me…help me to write a letter of your love on my page today…In Jeus Name I pray..Amen.
Posted on: Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:59:36 +0000

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