I was listening to a song on the radio about the impact words - TopicsExpress


I was listening to a song on the radio about the impact words have. We at times forget how our words impact our lifes, and the lifes of those around us. We can use our word to bring people down, or lift them up. Our words can be positive our negative. Our words can be kind of unkind. Our words can be encouraging or discouraging. Our words can inspire people to continue their walk with Christ, or make them feel like giving up. Our words can be prophetic. Dont speak negative over your life. (This is killing me. I dont know if I can make it. I dont think this trial is ever going to end. Instead, speak life. I can do all things through Christ. I have never seen the righteous forsaken. These trials wont last forever. I claim Romans 8:28 in my life and in the lifes of those I love.Heaven awaits at the end of this journey.) Our words uplift, or belittle. Our words can be truthful, or untruthful. Our words can criticize, or be constructive. Our words can offer praise to God, or to complain. Our words can bring peace, or turmoil. Our words can sooth, or stir up strife. Our words can cause jealously, or promote unity. Our words can evoke Gods mercy, or his anger. Our words can be honest, or deceitful. Our words can give people direction, or fill them with confusion. Lord help us not forget the power that is in the tongue, and chose our words wisely each day. Job 27:4 My lips shall not speak wickedness, nor my tongue utter deceit. Psalm 34:13 Keep thy tongue from evil, and thy lips from speaking guile. Psalm 35:28 And my tongue shall speak of thy righteousness and of thy praise all the day long. Psalm 39:1 I said, I will take heed to my ways, that I sin not with my tongue: I will keep my mouth with a bridle, while the wicked is before me Psalm 52:2 The tongue deviseth mischiefs; like a sharp razor, working deceitfully. Psalm 71:24 My tongue also shall talk of thy righteousness all the day long: for they are confounded, for they are brought unto shame, that seek my hurt. Proverbs 12:18 There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. Proverbs 18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof. Proverbs 21:23 Whoso keepeth his mouth and his tongue keepeth his soul from troubles. James 3:5 Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things. Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! James 3:6 And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire of hell.
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 11:27:18 +0000

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