I was looking in one of my old journals from 2002. (Eleven years - TopicsExpress


I was looking in one of my old journals from 2002. (Eleven years ago).This is something I found: Things that make me happy 1. Not having to turn on my alarm clock. 2. Driving, and seeing someone singing their heart out to the radio. 3. Seeing clouds that are dark on the bottom and light on top. 4. Seeing a wildflower. 5. When people hold the door open for each other. 6. Hearing chick-a-dees. 7. Writing. 8. ART. 9. Seeing kodak moments. 10. Being spontaneous, stumbling across and adventure. 11. Aha! moments 12. Days when I am not critical of myself. 13. Laughing so hard that no sound comes out. 14. Learning new words. 15. Mountaintop experiences. 16. Running into friends/family havent seen in a long time. 17. Getting real mail. 18. Holding babies. 19. Trying something Ive never done before. 20. Baking for others. 21. Having all my laundry done. 22. Being pleasantly surprised. 23. Learning and then applying it to the world. 24. Giving to strangers. 25. Communicating without saying a word. Just getting each other. 26. Walking along the beach. 27. Traveling, seeing something in real life. 28. When Im in my room and get the urge to dance and boogie down. 29. Seeing sun rays, light filtered through branches of trees. 30. Touch. 31. Being in a secluded place and seeing 5 xs as many stars. 32. That feeling of relief when you have to go to the bathroom really bad and you finally get to go. 33. Finishing a book. 34. Hearing stories, poetry read to me. 35. Learning more about my culture, listening to Elders. 36. When my intuition kicks in and Im in the right place at the right time. 37. Hearing the crunch of Alaska snow beneath my feet. 38. That feeling after watching a really good movie. 39. Feeling I get after running/working out. 40. Relief after taking bra off for the night. 41. Massages. 42. Looking at drawings and photographs. A picture says a thousand words. 43. Hearing a song on the radio I have been waiting all day to hear. 44. Eye contact. 45. Reaching goals, living my dreams. 46. Good deeds. 47. LIVE concerts. 48. Good conversations. 49. Dreams about being pregnant/good dreams. 50. Getting stuff done on time. 51. Satisfaction I get after cleaning. 52. Wearing a brand new pair of socks. 53. Seeing little kids sitting on santas lap and truly believing its him. 54. Feeling alive, mentally, spiritually, physically. 55. Motivating others. 56. Hearing a great speaker. 57. Praying. And getting along with my family and not taking them for granted. 58. Gathering and sharing Native food. 59. Hearing drumming and singing. 60. Being at peace with myself. 61. Having friends unexpectedly stop by and rushing and making dinner for them. 62. Allowing myself to be vulnerable. 63. Good memories from when I was little. 64. My sister. 65. Total relaxation. 66. Traveling. 67. Stretching, breathing. 68. When I dont let my life pass me by. 69. Drawing trees/leaves and stars 70. Being out in the rain on a hot day. 71. Wearing my hair down. 72. Playing with children. 73. Snuggling. 74. Seeing my body get healthier. 75. Love.
Posted on: Mon, 28 Oct 2013 06:28:19 +0000

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