I was lucky enough to see Robin Williams in person on two - TopicsExpress


I was lucky enough to see Robin Williams in person on two occasions. The first was at work when he was doing ADR for Happy Feet, years before the movie came out. There were just a few people in the room and he was ad-libbing up a storm cracking everybody up. At one point Elijah Wood walked into the room and he addressed him by immediately switching to a Gollum voice and went in and out of his Happy Feet penguin character and Gollum for a bit while everyone was laughing hysterically. Its one of my favorite memories from my time at Todd-AO. Then many years later I was walking out of Meltdown Comics and noticed a Mercedes in a red zone parked in front of my car. The driver of the car was standing on the street, looking around as if he was debating leaving the car there, trying to see if there were any parking enforcement workers anywhere in the vicinity. As I approached the man, I said Hey, you can have my spot. Im leaving The man turned around and it was Robin Williams! I was taken aback a moment as I wasnt expecting to see one of my favorite actor/comedians right in front of me and as I got in my car he was thanking me profusely for the spot. As I drove off he gave me a wave and another thank you. And I was thinking, Thank me? Im the one who should be thanking you for all the joy your performances have given me! I always wished I had actually told him those things so Id like to take the time now to do just that. Thank you, Robin Williams. Thank you for making me laugh with your comedic roles. Thank you for making me cry with your dramatic roles. And thank you for making me piss my pants with laughter at your stand-up. But most of all thank you for making my life (and the life of many, many others) that much more enjoyable just for simply existing. Rest In Peace.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 01:56:05 +0000

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