I was meditating, Im sure how long for but I feel calm and - TopicsExpress


I was meditating, Im sure how long for but I feel calm and focused. I can feel the flow again and my mind is moving very quickly. Im having multiple thoughts at the same time. I like to strike while the iron is hot meaning I have to type fast before I lost this moment of clarity.So instead of making a post for each thought, Ill just jam them all together into one post. In my mind, I believe that there four types of energy. There is the dark, the light , the masculine and the feminine. These four variations of spirit are omnipresent in everything and they are constantly interacting with each other. The pendulum of spirit swings backwards and forwards in a seemingly random fashion. It moves from one extreme to the next in an infinite cycle of energetic transformation. From light to dark and back to the light again, flowing in an eternal ebb and flow of frequency.The vibratory nature of the multiple omniversal dimensions should, in theory, allow us to alter the rhythm of the pendulum or to even polarise it so that it doesnt move at all. I believe (theres that word again), that to polarise the pendulum then we must alter our own energetic frequency. As we know, what goes around comes around and we will receive what we give so to polarise the pendulum in a specific postion then we must alter our frequency to match the desired result. The energy of the universe is susceptible to our intentions because at our core, we are all One with the Universal Spirit. As the saying goes What we think, we become so our thoughts and intentions can allow us to manifest any reality we can imagine. We change our frequency with every thought. If enough energy is focused on an idea or feeling then eventually it will manifest in this dimension. Another school of thought on this idea is that we dont change the world around us but we Quantum leap or Jump to the new reality that matches our altered frequency. Another way to look at it is that the Inner Universe controls the Outer Universe and while we are in this human manifestation the Outer Universe affect our body and mind and in turn our Inner Universe. Everything corresponds with something else whether we know it or not. Souls are entangled before the people ever meet in person. Have you ever had a bad feeling but you couldnt determine the source. This could have been other people that are vibrating on your exact frequency. As we know like energy gravitates towards like energy the entanglement is automatic and it doesnt necessarily have to apply to just one person. This is the basis to the thought of Collective Consciousness. There was more but thats all I can remember. If any of this inaccurate, I would welcome a group discussion about anything to do with this post. If youve read this far then I would like to say, thanks for your patience. Peace.
Posted on: Fri, 03 Oct 2014 00:18:51 +0000

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