I was moved hearing this story yesterday at the voters rally. - TopicsExpress


I was moved hearing this story yesterday at the voters rally. Please excuse the view of this video and LISTEN. Antonio Duke Sanders is an non-violent ex-felon, convicted of passing a $150 worthless check. He paid his debt to society, and is now a successful small business owner. He employs 75 people, thereby paying taxes and stimulating the economy. He has donated gathering space & catering to neighborhood bereaved families. Yet because of his record, he cannot vote. Three years ago Gov. Rick Scott and cabinet imposed a five year waiting period for ex-felons to apply for restoration of rights. This includes non violent ex-felons like Sanders. This is one of the most restrictive policies in America. tcpalm/news/scott-cabinet-make-felons-wait-return-rights-criti Heres disgusting irony. Scott was CEO of a health care corporation, HCA/Columbia, that bilked millions of dollars from Medicare and Medicaid. politifact/florida/statements/2014/mar/03/florida-democratic-party/rick-scott-rick-scott-oversaw-largest-medicare-fra/ During court testimony he invoked the Fifth Amendment numerous times, even refusing to directly verify his own signature on documents. Scotts corporation paid a total of $1.7 billion in criminal fines, civil damages and penalties. Yet Scott spent no time in prison and retained his wealth, privilege and right to vote. The crowning insult? Hes now Floridas governor. Then Scott approves a policy that prolongs punishment for a $150 worthless check. For those who are religious, this should bring to mind Jesus parable of the unforgiving servant. After the servant had been pardoned of a huge debt, he demanded payment from another man who owed him a very small amount. When the man couldnt pay, the one who had just been forgiven had his own debtor arrested. Upon hearing this the angry master summoned the unforgiving man and said, Shouldnt you have had mercy on your fellow servant just as I had on you? (Matthew 18:30) We must vote on behalf of these who have been unjustly disenfranchised ... and remove from office those responsible for this repression.
Posted on: Fri, 22 Aug 2014 16:04:18 +0000

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