I was nodding off yesterday while sitting on the train. Suddenly I - TopicsExpress


I was nodding off yesterday while sitting on the train. Suddenly I heard the word chemtrails and, my curiosity aroused, I woke up. A fellow was talking about chemtrails - saying how to recognise them, and he discussed the evidence that they contain aluminium, barium and strontium. He suggested a link to the increased rates of dementia. Then he spoke about the Bilderberger Group, how elites of many countries come together in secret to make policies. He gave several famous names and referred to how they had reacted when queried about Bilderberger. This chap also said about the dangers of GMOs. He was speaking to 2 people, a lady and a man. In my experience people can react in several different ways to this sort of information:- 1) This might be true or it might not be. More than likely some of it is true and some isnt. I shall keep an open mind and see where the evidence takes me. Someone with this view will be keen to discuss the subject. 2) This might be true or it might not be. More than likely some of it is true and some isnt. In any case I dont want to know about it. This might be because the person thinks it might be very depressing, the person might doubt how such information (even if true) would help. Many New Agers think you should focus on the positive and believe that looking at evil empowers it. The person might think looking into such subjects would be very time consuming, and futile because youll never be able to find your way to the hidden truths anyway. Taking such information seriously might lead to the individual being seen as crazy. Someone with this view will not mock the speaker but will look to change the subject. 3) This goes against what Ive always been told. This cannot be. Therefore it isnt true. I disbelieve this without any investigation. Someone with this view will quite likely mock the speaker, and not change the subject. As a teenager I was in group 2. My great friend, the late Paul Novak, was always fascinated by the Kennedy Assassination. My view was that I didnt need to prove that conspiracy in order to see that so much that happened in the world was upside down and insane. By 2006/2007 when my friend suggested that I might like to see a 9-11 truth video I was in group 1. The lady in the conversation I overheard seemed to be part of group 1. She asked sensible questions. At one point she said something like Youre probably right in what you say... I dont take this as meaning that she agreed with him, but that she was open-minded to the possibility that he might be right about some/much of what he was saying. At one point the fellow who was expressing radical views said to the lady after she asked a perfectly reasonable question: It is due to people like you that these things are going on. She looked surprised, as well she might, laughed and then said I dont know how reckon that. Id never even heard of chemtrails until you mentioned them 5 minutes ago. I apologised for hearing their conversation and for interrupting. I joined the conversation. Just before I got off the train, another passenger seemed to be joining the conversation. We had been discussing aspartame and sugar.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 09:21:33 +0000

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