I was nominated by Alzari Joey Mahshar for Project Gratitude where - TopicsExpress


I was nominated by Alzari Joey Mahshar for Project Gratitude where I have to name three people/experience/things I am grateful and nominate two people a day for seven days. Here it goes. 1. In 2007-2010 I was buried deep in financial mess due to some bad decisions I made, I owed banks and friends to the tune of > 20 times my take home pay at that time. It still felt like a bad dream every time I reminisce about it. I am forever grateful for all the people who stayed with me, knocked some hard sense into me and pushed me back to the right direction. There are too many to mention. You know who you are, and saying thank you is never enough.. I have learnt to listen more to people and be less stubborn (and cock-sure lol) in my views. 2. I lost my father in April 2011. He left us when things just started to get better between and for us at home. I wrote about it here - bongkersz/rest-in-peace-pa/ Then, in December 2012 my younger brother passed away unexpectedly. I was deeply saddened by these two events. Since I started secondary school, I have been away from family most of the times - boarding school, then working in KL, Miri, Sabah, Bintulu, Kuching and now Indonesia. I was back home only for few days, the most a week or two, every few months or weeks depending on the distance of my location then. I have my regrets for not spending more quality time with them, especially my younger brother. I still remember when I struggled financially, he helped me with his savings. And he was not earning much at that time, very much less compared to me. To this day, I am tearing up when I remember that moment. I felt so useless during that period. He always looked up to me as his big brother, the one who did well in school, got a good job and I felt I had disappointed him. I hope in the short few years that I finally able to turn my life around, he was finally proud and happy to have me as his big brother. I miss you dearly, brother. Life is truly unpredictable at times, full of surprises and I have became more appreciative of everyone around me. 3. 28th August 2013, the day little Adam Encharang Bong Wei Keat came to this world. My Instagram and Facebook feeds... er, I mean my life no longer the same since that day. I am grateful for the blessing and opportunity to be a father. I have a lot to learn, a lot of mistakes to undo in this new journey of life. I want to nominate Muhammad Edwin Masripan and Arthur Wee to continue this Project Gratitude. And whoever feeling like doing it. Heh.
Posted on: Mon, 08 Sep 2014 10:19:18 +0000

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