I was nominated by Jahabar Sadiq for Project Gratitude where I - TopicsExpress


I was nominated by Jahabar Sadiq for Project Gratitude where I have to name three people/experience/things I am grateful and nominate two people a day for seven days. Project Gratitude Day 2: 1. Takashi Andy Ushijima for the two phrases he uttered: the first time he visited my tenement shack on the Lower East Side of Manhattan, he said, this is very respectable, and then upon seeing my first portfolio of photographs, very profound. It wasnt praises that I was after, but it was nice to know that your mad pursuit of core essence resonates in others. 2. My mentors Charles Harbutt (at the International Centre of Photography in NYC) and Ralph Gibson for telling me that I am neither mad nor stupid, that sharpness is important only if you wish to cut a steak with your photographs. 3. The lady at Howard Greenberg Gallery, for tirelessly showing me, one by one, with her white gloved hands, the works of Saul Leiter, to whom she later introduced me, along with Leiters printer, Philip Laumont. I nominate Zoe Rai and Kean Wong to undertake Project Gratitude.
Posted on: Tue, 09 Sep 2014 01:24:38 +0000

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