I was nominated for the 7 day grateful challenge. Everyone - TopicsExpress


I was nominated for the 7 day grateful challenge. Everyone who truly knows me knows my animals are a huge part of my life. So I am going to start by saying I am grateful for the animals I grew up with. One of them lives on in afterlife and in my heart, while 3 of them are still with me. They all showed me unconditional, constant love. They never judged. I was able to always me myself around them and not worry about not being liked. When I was a young kid I started off shy. I used to have problems with speaking in front of groups. When I knew I had to I would practice in front if them. Start off with my Apollo. Though he is not physically here, he is always with me. I am grateful for the 8 and a half short years I got to spend with him. He was my teddy bear. He was the most tolerant dog there was. He showed many people I know that just because he was huge doesnt make him a bad dog. I know a few people who got over their fears of big dogs cause him. Walking him, people always stopped me to ask about him. It helped me be comfortable talking to people. Talking to him helped me through so much. No one understood he was my security blanket, so losing him I lost a part of my heart. I am forever grateful for the time with him. As for Roxy, Syco, and Misty they helped me everyday heal from the loss. Syco and Misty make me laugh. They taught me responsibility when I had to raise them as 2 week old kittens. They also taught me to love cats. They are silly and know how to cheer me up. Im grateful for that. Im grateful for Roxy. That little dog is my heart. She taught me what its like to care for something so much. She depends on me everyday the older she gets. I love being there for her. Shes like my child. Shes my little companion who follows me everywhere. While I basically lost everyone and my importance to people fades away, she showed me Ill always be important to her. I spend most of my time off work with her and I love it. Shes there next to me when my back pain is so bad I cant get out of bed. That Im thankful for. I am thankful they all impacted my life so much. They all mean the world to me
Posted on: Fri, 05 Sep 2014 06:50:58 +0000

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