I was not going to speak any more about the Trayvon Martin/George - TopicsExpress


I was not going to speak any more about the Trayvon Martin/George Zimmerman matter. Instead, I asked God to take over. Please God, forgive me. I have to address this issue. Yesterday, I received several inbox messages on Facebook & Twitter from Caucasian Americans. They bragged about how justice was served with the not guilty verdict. I asked, how did they come to that conclusion? One guy said, "2nd degree murder was not proven"...I agreed with that theory but I told him that manslaughter was proven. This guy went on to say, "If Trayvon Martin had not been suspended from school, he would not been Sanford to be killed by GZ."..... Wait!!! How stupid does this sound?!!! Just as I told him, when 5 Amish girls in Pa. went to school on 10-2-06, they did not ask the gun man to kill them. Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton, CT, 27 people, 20 were kids, did not come to school asking to die. Red Lake High School massacre on 03-21-05, 8 people died. Columbine, 08-20-99, 16 victims, 12 students & a teacher lost their life. In 2012, 12 killed, over 70 others injured, as a gun man (James Holmes) shot unsuspected movie goers. September 11, 2001, thousands of people lost their lives in one of the worse attacks on U.S. soil. Just as those people/victim did not ask to be murdered on those dates in history for going to school, work and to a movie: Trayvon Martin did not ask to be shot in executed by a lone gun man. Just as Aaron Campbell killed 2010 by a white cop. Victor Steen killed by a white Pensacola Cop in 2009. Steven Washington, killed by a white cop in Los Angeles in 2007. Oscar Grant killed by a white Bay Area Trannsit Cop in 2009. All, black male and unarmed. James Craig Anderson, a black man, was beat and ran over with a truck by a white teen who said, Anderson was killed because he was black and he and his friends did it for fun. This guy gave me an insight on why so many white Americans believe the not guilty verdict was justifiable. It had nothing to do with 17 yr old, TM. The issue of O.J. Simpson came up. White Americans, not all, believe they got their revenge for the death of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman. Wow. This is real. I explain to him, African Americans fill the anger, pain, and hurt that so many hangings, shootings, beatings, etc.....that took/take place.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Jul 2013 18:34:00 +0000

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