I was not going to write about this, but seeing the reactions of a - TopicsExpress


I was not going to write about this, but seeing the reactions of a lot of people to a video being shared on Facebook I wanted to convey how shocked and disappointed I am. This video is of an elderly Asian man (most likely in his 70s), punching a young man in the head. He then punches him in his private region. From the video the elderly man clearly looked ill and was not fully aware of what he was doing. In response to this, the young mans reaction was to punch this elderly persons face like a rag doll, turning it black and blue. He then finishes off his barbaric attack by kneeing the elderly Asian man in the face so hard that he renders him unconscious. My suspicions about the elderly man were proven right when a few people stated that he had an intellectual disability. A brother then came forward and stated that his dad regularly sees this person in his area and confirmed that he has mental health issues. Now I was not shocked by the video, because that was expected from a jahil idiot, who most likely acted in this barbaric way to boost his ego, but rather by the reaction that many Muslims had to the video. A lot of Muslims stated that the elderly man deserved the abuse he received because he punched the man, be it lightly, in the head. As Muslims, is that the type of behaviour we are meant to condone? That is shameful. A lot of people also stated that they would have reacted in the same manner towards the elderly man, which is wrong on so many levels. What is wrong with people? Only cowards punch elderly people and then make excuses that it was in the heat of the moment. I personally work in an environment where children have punched me in the face and yes down below too, but it does not mean I want to punch them back! In the same way if an elderly man (70 years old) punches you, your reaction should not be to punch him back. What you should do is push him away, so that you are no longer in danger and then question him. This excuse to hurt someone and then blame it on the heat of the moment is what jahil people do. If you had any compassion for the elderly or other vulnerable people you would not make excuses for such barbaric acts of aggression. Firstly, we are not animals, so people really need to think twice about condoning such acts of aggression towards other people. Secondly, if you feel you would have acted in the same way as the young man, then you seriously need to look at yourself in the mirror and fix yourself up. You are a danger to people around you because your heat of the moment reaction could put someones life in danger. I only wrote this status after reading the reaction of a Muslim mother towards the video. I really thought women had more compassion towards elderly and vulnerable people than men. I guess I was mistaken.
Posted on: Wed, 30 Apr 2014 01:13:15 +0000

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