I was off work yesterday, so i completely forgot that my bus pass - TopicsExpress


I was off work yesterday, so i completely forgot that my bus pass had expired. It actually expired yesterday. As usual I was running out the door a little late this morning. About half way to the bus stop I realized CRAP my bus pass had expired yesterday. On my day off of all things.I also realized that I had no cash on me either. DAMN! I knew I had to at least try and be on time for work, so I proceeded on towards the bus. I got to the bus stop right as the bus was getting there. I thought well since I am only going from 19th ave east a few miles to 35th ave, maybe the driver would hook me up. I got on the bus with my expired pass in my hand. I explained my situation, and said I was heading to work on 35th ave. Could I just have a courtesy ride, and I would pay extra on the next bus. The driver just looked at me and said nothing, then looked away and shook his head no! All of a sudden I heard a lady sitting in the front say Can I give you a dollar? I said A dollar is all I need. Then I noticed a younger looking guy who was also sitting in the front row. He was sitting there with a dollar bill in his hand pointing at me. I took it thanking him profusely. If I remember right I dont believe he said a word to me either. He just handed me the dollar. I paid my fare and took my seat. A few stops later, the really nice older lady who originally offered me a dollar was now getting off the bus. As she was getting off, she came to where I was sitting and handed me a dollar saying In case you need a dollar to get home with. I was so touched. I thanked her profusely as well. I had no cash on me, and I am literally broke till payday. I honestly wouldve been scrapping the bottom of the barrel in my Checking account, just to get a dollar to get home from work. When my stop finally came. I once again said thank you a few times in the direction of the nice guy, who had given me the dollar to get to work. He did not respond, but of course the bus driver said Your Welcome for some reason. Even though he didnt do anything to help me at all. (Which I completely understand. He cannot just hand out free rides.) Moral of the story: Charles needs to remember better when his bus card is about to expire. Charles needs to carry at least $10.00 in singles with him in his wallet at all times, for just this situation. And that there is still really awesome, giving, and compassionate people in this world. Who actually do care, and will step up and help out their fellow man. No matter what I try and think sometimes. Just when I get all up in my head, and start thinking the world, and all of its inhabitants are shit. That is when God sends his angels down, to say Hey Charles. UMMM why dont you pull your head out of your ass their buddy! Heres a dollar/ Have a great day at work son.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:30:52 +0000

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