I was on a country back road when I passed this upside down turtle - TopicsExpress


I was on a country back road when I passed this upside down turtle on the road. I drove past him, not touching my breaks, until I thought I heard him crying. Almost out of site, I stopped, and backed down the road to where he was. I snapped this pic. I heard him crying inside his shell. He had given up on getting back on his feet. He had closed himself up in his shell and was expecting this to be the death of him. He had prayed for God to do something, but it was getting hotter with his back on the pavement. He thought God must not care about him. But then, all of the sudden, he felt a big hand take hold of him and pick him up, turn him onto his feet again and sit him upon the grass from off the path of certain death. As I picked up the turtle, the man in this pic stopped and said, Youre doing what I was going to do. I got to thinking that the Lord would want me to come back and turn him back over. I smiled and said, The Lord told me too. So you see, God cared enough about a little turtle to try to stop one man to turn Him over. When he didnt stop, he got me to stop and turn him over. God has His ways of turning your situation right side up. Dont be the one God calls upon to help someone else and you are not willing to turn around and help. I cant help every turtle in the world. But I can help this one. Turtle...dont ever give up... I wonder if this man could have been an angel...
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 21:48:58 +0000

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