I was on my way back from taking my oldest son and family back - TopicsExpress


I was on my way back from taking my oldest son and family back home, had them here for Christmas, and stopped in to a gas station just outside of Tulsa where the gas was only $1.79 per gallon. There was a guy sitting by the door to the place, obviously drifting through. He was sitting on top of a couple of large duffle bags, probably his only possessions. I asked him which direction he was heading, and he was going the opposite way I was. Normally when I have the wife and kids with, I would not offer giving a ride to a stranger, and that may sound cold hearted but I just can not risk their well being. But when alone, that is another story. Since I couldnt give him a lift to where he was going, I asked him if he had eaten yet today, he said no. So I went back inside and got him a couple of big slices of pizza and a large drink that he could go back into and refill for free. As I left there and was headed back home it really got me to thinking about how lucky my life has been, no matter the really low lows, I have been graced with the ability to keep a roof over the head of my family and food on the table, one way or another. And it was a reminder of just how close we all are to that same predicament that this man was in. We really dont give it a lot of thought, but most average Americans dont have a large savings, if any at all. So if something went really wrong in their lives, they too could find themselves on the streets. I want to challenge each of you to reach out and do something for someone you see that is struggling. Maybe it is just as simple as buying them some food, or who knows what. But take this new year as your opportunity to help someone in need. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. But DO something. It will come back to you 10 fold!! In that I promise you, it will... And remember how lucky you are, and that things could always be worse.
Posted on: Fri, 26 Dec 2014 23:49:36 +0000

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