I was once among the workaholics & a good one at that, who Cut , - TopicsExpress


I was once among the workaholics & a good one at that, who Cut , Copy , Paste , Refer a .pdf , Improvise etc.- But I was insignificant in a sense that who were we lucking kidding , ths whole middle class is lucking scientist & yes , we as a group have invented everything & so quite easily (ir)replaceable.In fact , self imposed fatigue & stress aside we were rarely physically or intellectually exhausted. Emotionally , yes.To add to our inventions we taught & trained Engineers & Diploma alike & they made equally good at being the new elite with the exception that Diploma holders knew what they were saying & Engineers were hallucinating. I am not against hallucinations , they do instill a sense of importance , sometimes national & pan-humanitarian. And then we reversed the experiments. Diploma Holders & General non-Elite workers finished as the only people to emerge out victors , where the work was actually crafty or exhausting or un-computerish .So in the end , most of the elites were cornered into holding on to a degree & most of us who do hold one - know how much intellectually illuminating the whole procedure was-again , who are we lucking kidding . Oh yes , some more things we elites did have as prized possessions were better pays & the bureaucratic address of Sir. While the former was spent on VAT69 , OLD MONK , BACARDI or BP (depending on how near & far from payday , we were- or the time of the day-not all shops are open ) ,the latter were returned to other higher placed bureaucrats. Now there is one thing common to bureaucrats & meritocrats ,while almost always we find the hierarchy leading from bottom to us as justified , those placed above us transform from being reverent to being lucky and useless -a trait we justify as moral revolution brewing among us. It is none of those things- neither moral nor revolution. So at the end of reading many texts & viewing many examples-I could see that those who couldnt be substituted or done away with were paid the least . So , I shared this with some degree holders who had no control over their placement in worse departments/situations - & they found it to be right. Those placed in better environments despite being equally qualified or even less qualified , you know there ia a list of elite colleges & mediocre colleges , found themselves to be lucky or an awardee of probability game. Both of these groups , however , justified the position , the workcondition & the pay scale of diploma holders or general workers- and sadly none of them termed the condition as an unfortunate necessity or a necessity -but it was just plain sadism -★ the worst of hazardous environments has to be occupied by person least in hierarchy -if that environment is important for business , lets train the diploma holder or worker to be qualified for being there.There have been exceptions , one man I know of being symathetic was also one of the brightest minds in the whole industry.So on putting up people in many uncomfy situations - I was called a socialist - which I had heard of & never cared to know about & neither do I wish to know about given that it rarely will be intellectually countered for those who do discredit it are equally unaware. So , I am not learning it for countering people who have as much idea about socialism as I have - which is nil - who have as much idea about capitalism as I have - which certainly is nil except the fact that they are a product of bureaucratic stigma against universal demand of freedom against unjust inequalities & I am a just a stranger watching things unfold.
Posted on: Thu, 29 Aug 2013 03:40:26 +0000

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