I was pleased to write this article for the South Jordan Journal - TopicsExpress


I was pleased to write this article for the South Jordan Journal this month: Dear Residents, The Mulligans survey results are in! Resoundingly, people voted in favor of retaining open space at the golf course. Survey results revealed that one-third of our residents wanted a partial development of Mulligans. However, the clear majority favored keeping the land undeveloped. I’d like to extend a big thank you to Y2 analytics for the professional manner in which they conducted the survey. I understand that there were some residents who wished to participate in the survey but were not selected. As a council, it was our desire to find a method that balanced cost with accuracy, and so, we chose a scientific polling firm. I believe the results were accurate and cost us far less than surveying the entire city. With the poll now completed, we now have our marching orders. In the coming weeks, and after hearing from professional golf consultants, the council will be discussing the precise future of Mulligans Golf and Games. But I can assure you that open space will be the key feature of the golf course. The people have spoken. Interestingly, an opportunity related to Mulligans has presented itself that I would like to introduce. The idea has not yet been fully vetted or explored, but I think the concept has merit. Councilman Mark Seethaler helped develop this plan, as well as Councilman Chris Rogers. So far, the entire council seems favorable to the opportunity. Here’s the idea: This year, our city will see a nearly $6,300,000 surplus. This is the largest surplus that our city has ever seen. Mulligans’ 4.6 million-dollar bond just so happens to be callable in April of 2015. In other words, the bond could be paid off in full without penalty early next year! Doing so would save the city $1,600,000 in interest and could make the golf course truly profitable. Mulligans currently must make an annual bond payment of $500,000. By relieving Mulligans of this burden, the city could see a steady revenue stream from the use of the amenity while at the same time preserving the area as green space. A municipal bond is only eligible for repayment, without penalty, once in several years. The “stars have aligned” this year because we have an unusually large surplus combined with an open space survey result combined with a callable bond this April. It should be mentioned that this opportunity has come to the city thanks, in part, to the good fiscal stewardship of former mayors, staff, and city councils. Their vision of commercial development in South Jordan many years ago is the reason we are now experiencing the harvest that came from the seeds that were planted during their time in service to the city. And so, the great City of South Jordan rolls on. I’d like to thank all those who participated in the survey that was very helpful in helping the city council make this crucial decision. Warm regards, Mayor David Alvord
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 15:56:55 +0000

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