I was preparing a presentation that I will be giving on Gratitude. - TopicsExpress


I was preparing a presentation that I will be giving on Gratitude. Where to start? I picked up the phone and called the lady who hired me for the presentation and we were talking about the attendees and their struggles when my daughter Lauren Griffin beeped in. When she beeped in for the third time I knew something was up. I called her back and had a hard time understanding her. It was obvious that she was shaken up. I could decipher ...semi...rear-ended...scared. I asked her where she was and she gave me the intersections. As I raced to see exactly how my baby was, I pleaded with Papa to protect her. It was easy to find her by the emergency vehicles lined up at the side of the road. Three ambulances, a police car and a semi pulled over, with Laurens smashed car in the lead. I waited until the paramedics were finished with their evaluation before I hugged her; never wanting to let her go. I wanted to go back to the times when I rocked her in the rocking chair and sang to her, put her in her crib, protected her from the big bad world out there. But those days were gone. My baby had grown up. When all of the vehicles departed, we took a deep breath and said a a prayer of thanks. I am back home, my daughter is in the other room, and I am at my desk to finish my presentation on gratitude. Somehow it seems a bit easier to do now. Thank you LORD for small accidents; those that affect vehicles and leave the driver intact. Thank you for daughters who still call Mom when they are scared. Thank you for that little-girl-turned-young-lady who wants to stay close to Mom. LORD, thank you for Your mercy...when we so dont deserve it. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 17:00:52 +0000

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