I was raised in this Christian culture that Boze speaks of. He and - TopicsExpress


I was raised in this Christian culture that Boze speaks of. He and I were in the same clubs in high school and saw eye to eye on almost everything. The difference between him and me was that I could never be led into a dangerous cult. I could never follow someone like Tyler because even though the church and the Christian community I was raised in influenced me deeply, my parents influenced me more...and although my parents were devout in their faith and leaned on the Bible for their wisdom, they didnt lean exclusively on it. They were truth seekers, not religion seekers. My parents taught me to follow God, not men. They taught me, not only with their mouths, but with their lives, that if your church family rejects you because of your personal choices or beliefs, its time to move on, not conform. They taught me that when lots of scientific and historical evidence, accompanied by questioning, soul searching and prayer, points to something, you should alter your theological beliefs to fit those things, not twist and manipulate and interpret those other things to fit what Im told I must believe to be a Christian. The most important thing they taught me by example was that the truth is rarely easy to find, and doing the right thing- the best thing -is rarely easy to do, but thats why we should do it. Narrow is THE WAY and few there are who find it. Remember to teach your children by word and example to have a heart for truth rather than a book, a church, a community of like minded people, or a conditioned belief. Encourage them to question everything they are taught and educate themselves fully on the alternatives so that they may know and understand why they believe what they believe. Lay a foundation for them to be free-thinking leaders, not ignorant obedient followers, and they will never be persuaded down a dangerous path. Thank you, Boze, for sharing your story freely so that others may learn. I admire you.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:18:11 +0000

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