I was reading Romans and came across this. Romans 8:28 All things - TopicsExpress


I was reading Romans and came across this. Romans 8:28 All things work together for good to those who Love God, to those who are called according to his purpose. Wow think about it. So even if your life was not the greatest as a child or things have failed in your past. Even if you have had a failed marriage in your past or a failed career, stop listening to the people who tell you that you’re a failure. It is not Gods plan. I know now not living in Gods word and by his word things will not line up and it is a struggle everyday. FIRST read Philippians 3:13 Forgetting those things which are behind , and reach for the things before you!!! The bible says Through GODS word HE speaks into existence HIS will for your life. It doesn’t say we call it or others call it, it only says him. I personally am glad he is the one calling the shots. I sure don’t want to go backwards where I let others make some calls..haha. Look where that got me..haha. Here is the key I believe, It is our responsibility to line up our will with Gods will and by his word. This is when we can accomplish what normally is humanly impossible. This doesn’t mean what you want happens right now either. There will be struggles and disappointments yes , That is why we live by faith. Ultimately we want be denied, God said so! Even the unanswered question and things that seem to be hanging in limbo. When I have trouble with something, I get relief by stepping back and just saying “Gods got this” !! So relax sometimes and let God work it out. He definitely loves us enough. Romans 4:17 As it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations. He is our father in the sight of God, in who he believes , ……. THE GOD WHO GIVES LIFE TO THE DEAD AND CALLS INTO BEING THINGS THAT WE ARE NOT !!! Lord God, Thank you so much for being such a Loving God to our hearts everyday. Thank you for all of the things you have brought us through to put us where we are now. Lord Thank you for your Grace and Mercy and Forgiveness !! And most of all for our Salvation, Restorations and Transformations!! Father God Thank you for watching over us and providing everything we need!! Help me Lord to be more like you!! Silent prayers from many people every day Lord. We raise them up to you and ask your guidance. Lord you know everyones heart and what they are asking. Thank you Lord for everything! Lord we pray for our sick, recovering, injured, depressed, addicted and suffering family and friends. Lord God we pray that your blessing and healing take hold of them. Lord we pray as your miraculous power flows over every need. We stand in the gap for those who cant stand on their on. Lord Thank you for all of the things you have done and the successful surgeries and people getting better. Praise be to you!! Watch over us today. Be our guiding light and shine bright in us so others can see. Lord watch over our children today and bless their teachers. Lord bless this weekend coming up and keep everyone safe in their travels. Watch over woodlands youth as they further their walk in you on retreat. Thank you for everything and to you goes all of the Glory. In your name we pray……
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 11:19:48 +0000

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