I was reading an article this morning and the guy said that we are - TopicsExpress


I was reading an article this morning and the guy said that we are way past voting someone out and someone we supposedly want in and I agree. We all know that most of these guys are in the same bed no matter what side of the aisle. Then he explained that a couple of the founding fathers talk about this happening. They said we had two basic choices. One is to take each state back and as a state to refuse to comply with anything federally. Obviously as each state comes on board, it comes to a point where the federal government cannot do anything, this is preferred but the other is a unarmed or armed revolt or demonstration, whatever you want to call it. The guy used egypt as an example, For the first time in the history of the world 10 million people hit the street with one accord. Guess what Egypts leader left quickly and the military gladly jumped up and told the people Oh yeah we are with you all the way! !0 million is a bunch but pales in the light of what we could hit the streets with, if everyone would just get off their asses and do something. I have a video that everyone of you should watch, called "State of Mind". Everyone of us has been brainwashed where alot of people have no idea they are acting like they are. This goes way back in time, a plan to What in their own manuals they refer to "soft kill" the people, to dumb them down to the point that with certain stimuli they think this is their ideas! This is so bad, that this government is taking your rights away everyday and in the process destroying the bill of rights and constitution and they are doing this right in front of you. They are taking people out (murdering people), right in front of you and some of you are not even reacting to it and some of you think its okay!! That tells me something is very wrong! I know some of you and that is not the people I know. You need to watch this video and understand what has been done to us and how you can break it! We can no longer continue in this way, or we are all going to wind up in a place no one wants to be. WE Need all of you to respond now! Its almost over you guys, this is not some far fetched theory! YOUR FREEDOMS ARE ALMOST GONE!! Not talking years here, weeks to a few months. PLEASE WAKE UP NOW!! YOU MUST GET INVOLVED!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 23 Jul 2013 22:56:07 +0000

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