I was reading my devotion and started thinking about summer and - TopicsExpress


I was reading my devotion and started thinking about summer and vacations. We all need a vacation from time to time, if they are used correctly. Used to rest and get away from stress and make memories that will be cherished for years to come. Honestly most of the time we are more stressed and tired after our week getaway. We have turned memory making into expensive, stressful events for the most part. It is crucial that we take time outs to gather ourselves and get renewed. Even if we have to take mini timeouts, hour or so here and there, read the word, pray for a few minutes, and relax allowing renewing to come physically, mentally, spiritually. So take time outs this summer (not church and God) which Renee you but the hustle and bustle of life. Here is a portion of my devotion this morning. Seven days without rest makes one weak, that’s spelled W-E-A-K. Our calendars are full, our automobiles are seldom in the driveway, and our to-do lists lack space for another task; is it any wonder why we are such a stressed-out generation? One clinical psychologist said that people have a better life perspective after a vacation of just 24 hours. Why, even our Creator took a time out! In Genesis 2 we read, “On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work.” And when he gave us the Ten Commandments, He included a time out. “You have six days each week for your ordinary work, but on the seventh day you must stop working.” We are desperately in need of physical, emotional, and spiritual renewal. And do you know where it starts? It starts with a time out.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 12:36:47 +0000

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