I was reading this paper with numbers from 1-25 right? And its - TopicsExpress


I was reading this paper with numbers from 1-25 right? And its two that really made since uf you put them together and Think Logically . We have the Understanding or Assumption that our Loved Ones Are In Better Place.. But if you have slight of a Doubt that Jesus Does Exists How Would You See The Ones That You Say You Will See Again ??? Some Are Still In The Old Testament When the New Testament Is What We Need To Be Living By.. Guess Some Parts Of The Bible Are Not Being Taught Or Read. Worldly Things Has No Concern To Me Cause The Enjoyment Of Life Is Becoming Uncomfortable To Live Which Is Not The Way God Wants It.. Im Just Speaking Because I Know And Know Better... Not Leaning On My Own Understanding But The Understanding Of God. His Way Of Living Is Still Enjoyable Without The Worries Of This World And Their Laws.. God Has None Cause As His Children You Are Under The Law Of FAITH Which Is In God Not Man.. Here us what #17 Said.... Scientists say that if the Universe had expanded 1 billionth faster or even 1 billionth slower, it would not have been formated at all. Life in this Physical World is a miracle as one Scientist has said, It seems the Universe was created for Man.. #18. Before Christ returns to Earth and restores it, there will be 7years of tribulation on Earth. Which would be famine and disease. #11.Says When you invite Gods Holy Spirit into your heart, He Will fill you with Love, Joy, And Peace, Without CHRIST, the Devil brings MISERY. #14.Language scholars and the Bible Both Agree that All languages today developed from One Language In The Past. #10. Evolutionists Lies: Nebraska Man, Pitdown Man and Java Man were hoaxes, No missing link has been found, No fossil suoports transitional change. You tell me if this would Not be something to discuss I rather talk about this than things of this world Only God got control over im just one of his children who delights in open conversation about Him im Not Ashamed Cause He Is Not Ashamed Of Me.. Rather focus on the Un Seen Than The Seen ... Let Me Carry On
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 23:54:25 +0000

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