I was really touched by this story the other day, about a month - TopicsExpress


I was really touched by this story the other day, about a month ago a pretty scruffy looking gentleman walked up to me at Le Bateau. He was polite, and kind hearted and he really wanted to perform but unfortunately wasnt allowed in. I couldnt tell you if he was homeless but at a guess I wouldve said so, he was gutted he couldnt play and I felt terrible for him. He looked hungry but didnt ask anyone for a penny.. We had a chat about this and that and he asked me to look after his guitar whilst he nipped to a take away to get something to eat.. He came back empty handed and said he didnt have enough to get what he wanted. He picked up his guitar, said thank you for looking after it and started to walk away.. At this point my heart felt crushed, this poor guy, I mean I know we make our own bed in this life but sometimes you just need help and this guy was clearly in need. So as he was walking away I ran over to him pulled out a ten pound note I gave it to him and said get yourself something nice to eat and go see your friends.. He was eternally grateful.. I thought nothing more of it till the other night when someone I seldomly see approached me and recounted the story from this gentlemans perspective, she told me he was blown away by my kindness and I made his day. She then went on to say that sadly he passed away a couple of weeks ago.. I was gutted... Life isnt easy for some and my heart really does go out to those in need. RIP
Posted on: Mon, 22 Sep 2014 14:23:14 +0000

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