I was recently asked how important physical attraction is in a - TopicsExpress


I was recently asked how important physical attraction is in a relationship? I didnt have the time to elaborate like I wanted to so heres a little more. Of course I think you should be physically attracted to your mate. However, what I am afraid of is the root of the attraction. I know so many people who will not give someone the time of day because they dont meet their long list of physical attractions (height, weight, complexion, hair...etc). Ive watched people pass up really good relationship opportunities because theyd rather have someone that treats them wrong privately but is a show piece to everyone else rather than someone who would love them unconditionally. I dont think they consider that in a moment things can change. As Christians we have been loved by Christ at our worst, yet I rarely see this being translated in relationships. As Christians we should be spear heading this world on what it looks like to love differently. Its funny because I see people get angry when someone says they would never date a certain race because theyre not attracted to them. I say at least theyre being honest and I think many do the SAME THING! Please let me clarify and reiterate what this is NOT! This is not a message of EXTREME where Im saying physical attraction plays no role. Im saying that often times we have been flooded with what society says is attractive or beautiful. We take world views and stuff them in our hearts where the way that we love like Christ has no room to reside. Im saying we should re-examine our hearts and compare whats significant to what the bible calls significant. Again, Im not saying you shouldnt desire to be attracted to your mate but if how they look is more important than how they love I think we should re-examine our hearts. Because if God is leading, He always gives us His best. My concern is we think we know whats best more than God so we dont give His best the time of day because we werent immediately drawn to the package God presented His best to us in. Thoughts?? This video is an example of just how quickly things can change, I rarely see love like this...Janette G
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 04:18:22 +0000

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