I was reminded today about another funny story of my Dad and I. I - TopicsExpress


I was reminded today about another funny story of my Dad and I. I was probably about 11yrs old when this happened. Every summer my Dad took me camping and this particular time he decided to take me, my step-sister Melissa, and her friend Jenelle to learn how to drive. He normally would take us to a dirt road where it really didnt matter if we crashed but at least we thought we were driving. haha. We drove about 15 miles away from the camp site when my Dad decides to switch the radio from hip hop (my step-sisters choice) to the country station. I was so embarrased by his selection of music that I reached over and changed it back without asking for permission. My Dad looked over and said, What are you doing? He changed it back and told me not to touch it again because I was in his truck. I couldnt stand that he had just embarrassed so I told him to pull over then because Im getting out of the car. He smirked while my step-sister said, Youre not going to walk back to camp, you better be quiet. I was too proud to admit that maybe I shouldnt have said what I just did. I didnt back down. I raised my voice and told him to pull over then Im not listening to this stupid country music. My Dad, with a smirk on his face, calmly pulled over to the shoulder, reached over me and grabbed the door handle to let me out. He said, Well, arent you going to get out? I decided to test him, so I got out. Without enough time to snap at him he drove off and let the door shut behind me. He sped off while I looked back behind me in disbelief that he just left me on the side of the road. I stood there for a few moments waiting to see if he would return. When I realized that he wasnt I started to head off back to camp. I had no idea at the time (around 11:00am) just how far away I was. About 30 minutes later, my Dad drove up behind me and asked if I was done with my attitude. I again, had to much pride to admit I was wrong and ignored his attempt to forgive my selfishness. He waited a moment and then sped off again back towards camp. At that moment, I wanted to cry. It was hot, and all I had was my tomagotchi necklace. For those of you that remember it was the necklace with the game that you could play where you had to keep this little creature alive. I was frustrated that the tomagotchi was beeping and churping to be fed when I was over here stranded in the middle of nowhere. I kept walking and next thing you know I heard something in the bushes across the road. My first thought was a Lion! Wait, Lions dont exist in this area. Then, I thought a bear! I started to run as fast as I could and probably only made it about 400 meters when I thought... wait, my Dad always said never to run from a bear it might chase you. I stopped in my tracks and hastily kept walking. About 2hrs later, I stumbled upon what looked to be a mirage. I could see the heat coming off of a rock and lone behold there it was... A Dr. Pepper sitting on top of it, waiting, watching me. I looked around to see if there was someone close by. I creeped up slowly as though I were stalking my prey. As I got closer I noticed it was still cold! Could this be? What is it doing here in the middle of nowhere? Ive heard of miracles but none like this. I grabbed it off the rock and I ran as fast as I could. When I got far enough from the kill zone I popped open the can and drank it as fast as I could. I dropped the empty can and started kicking it alongside the road. Everytime I heard a car approaching I disappeared into the bushes. My mind has wandered so far that I had created this idea in my head that I was hiding from kidknappers and I had to escape! It was actually what made the walk so much fun. Finally, I had reached the entrance to the camp grounds. It must have been around 4 or 5pm by the time I actually reached out camp site. There was my Uncle sitting there waiting for me... he ran up to me glad that I was okay while he glared at my Dad for just leaving me. My Dad didnt even look over at me. I knew I had disappointed him but we both were too prideful to admit we were wrong. I waited until dinner came around and I slowly approached him and quietly whispered while we were by the campfire... Dad, there is a God. He said, Oh, how so? He left me a Dr. Pepper on the side of the road. My Dad didnt tell me anything, in fact, til this day he hasnt said a word. However, as I got older I realized that he knew Dr. Pepper was my favorite soda. After we started talking again I asked my Dad how he could just leave me there. My Uncle even gave him a dirty look while I said it. Then, later that night I heard him telling my Uncle that he had crept up on me through the 15 mile walk to make sure I was okay. He had parked in different spots and hid to check on me. I never told my Dad (until this post) that I heard that. Fast forward to 17yrs later... Country is one of my favorite genres of music because it reminds me of my Dad. In fact, Jose and I will most likely have a country song as our first dance for the wedding. I still think back to this story and smile everytime I think of all the lessons my Dad has taught me. What did I learn from this? Well, it is simple: 1. You get what you ask for. 2. Dont test your Dad. 3. God does exist but not in the form of a Dr. Pepper on the side of the road. He exists in small acts of kindness like your Dad leaving you a Dr. Pepper on the side of the road. 4. Dad will never leave me. He might make me think he left me but never will he truly leave my side. 5. Dad always knows best. You may not realize it until years later but he does know best.
Posted on: Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:20:40 +0000

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