I was reminded today in church of a thought I had many years ago. - TopicsExpress


I was reminded today in church of a thought I had many years ago. Sometimes we are the answer to our own prayer. And heres what I mean: Many people will pray, Lord, please help so-and-so in the hospital. or Lord, send an angel to be with so-and-so, shes been feeling mighty lonely lately. or Lord, provide for the needs of the family down the street. Theyve been having it rough for a while now. Maybe WE are suppose to be the ones to visit the hospitals. Maybe WE are the ones to be friends with someone lonely. Maybe WE are they ones who should help the needy. Maybe WE are the answer to our own prayers. It shouldnt be somebody else who takes care of lifes problems, it should be us. Sure, God certainly can, and does, zap a circumstance directly from His own fingertips. But we are suppose to be His hands and His voice and His feet. He usually uses US to show other people His love and compassion- to show who He really is. So get out there and be Jesus to the world, people. Serving others and being there for others is a great source of joy. Over and out!
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 17:03:34 +0000

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