I was rocking one of my little ones to sleep yesterday. I bounced - TopicsExpress


I was rocking one of my little ones to sleep yesterday. I bounced him, walked with him, rocked him, cradled, cajoled, cooed, but no matter what I did, he did something else. He was tired, plum wore out, yet no amount of loving, coaxing, feeding, singing or any other sweetness would get him to go. He just wasnt doing it. Stubborn little boy; afraid he might miss something when all he was going to miss was what he really needed the most: his sleep. I had to laugh because i know this is the lesson we often miss. We are so busy being everything in opposition to our Truth, being resistant when we should be compliant, cavalier when we really should care, spiteful when we should offer compassion, that we miss the thing we need the most: Love. The Universe keeps sending us this beautiful gift of Love and we continue to reach for fear in all its ugliest forms instead. The Love comes in the simplest ways and offers itself up, yet we turn it away, afraid someone might see our soft side and mistake it for weakness, or because some new experience feels too good to be real, or because we are afraid that we might miss some other little thing if we let our guard down. So, we buck up, put on a false bravado and come out swinging. Anything, anything other than that Love Fest thing. Thats for hippies and all them crazy people. If it feels so Good, there must be something wrong with it, right? Like this sweet baby, we resist our Good when it is our Good, which we honestly need the most. We enact fight or flight when we only need to be still and embrace the Love that is embracing us. Feel the Power of connection to our Source and everyone else who is consciously connected to it. Stop fighting it. Stop pushing away the unfamiliar people, experiences and things that will best serve you. Trust in the Universe to deliver what you need. Trust that those Good things, those Good people are reflections of You and your Good. They are there because you are attracting them to you when you allow your Light to shine. So cmon, you big baby. Give in. Give up. Quit fighting it. Release those old habits, and embrace these new ones. Love. It feels really Good when you let it. Just ask my sweet happily sleeping baby.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Nov 2013 18:43:21 +0000

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