I was ruminating today on lines in conversations that could have - TopicsExpress


I was ruminating today on lines in conversations that could have changed the course of Star Wars history. Feel free to add your own. Wait a sec... who the hell is Qui-Gon Jinn? I thought Yoda was Obi-Wans master? Sorry, George, this is all wrong, count me out. - Liam Neeson Why is my character so whiny and awkward? And why dont we ever see him being even slightly friendly with Obi-Wan? Arent they supposed to be good friends? Pass. - Hayden Christensen Why are they even having a ground battle, if blowing up the main spaceship is a killswitch for the whole thing? Guess we dont need these battle droid or tank designs at all. And lets take another pass at that Naboo fighter. No kid is going to want this bright yellow thing. - John Knoll We dont have the budget for all this stuff, George. Lets try and focus more on the characters. We dont need expensive sweeping vistas of a water planet well only be on for 2 minutes. - Rick McCallum Midichlorians? Youre f***king with me, right? Man, Ive got a lot of work to do... hand me that pen. - Lawrence Kasdan
Posted on: Sat, 26 Apr 2014 22:14:51 +0000

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