I was scared but thnx God for the protection and wisdom: - early - TopicsExpress


I was scared but thnx God for the protection and wisdom: - early this morning, whilst walking bck to vito cruz from ccp (just fnished from a morning run), a guy approached me and asked me thiz: guy: miss where u live at? Will you go straight ahead? Could i join you? Me: hesistant to answer anf bit scared. I just smiled and said "sorry po".. Guy: do u always run here? And reluctantly told me info about himself then asked me "so where do work?". Me: sorry thats too personal and because fear escalated, i followed my instinct to just cross the street right away so i could get rid off him. Shame i got almost hit by the approaching car. Good thing i stop and let the car passed, after that i crossed right without lookin bck.. Thnx God he didnt follow... Thnx God for the intuition, it worked again this time...
Posted on: Thu, 08 Aug 2013 01:31:28 +0000

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