I was seriously going to take a break from Facebook, but I need - TopicsExpress


I was seriously going to take a break from Facebook, but I need prayer support so I popped back on for a bit. I have several prayer requests: First, Drew is still in the PICU at the hospital, but he is improving! He turned 3 years old yesterday!!! I wasnt going to post everything, but I need prayers. I got a phone call from St. Catherines last Monday saying that my mom needs skilled care now, Therefore, she can no longer stay in the Alzheimers unit. She has been there for 6 years! It is a beautiful place with wonderful people who take care of everyone. It was a shock for me to hear from them that its time to move her to another place. When they told me that news on Monday, I was facing surgery on Wednesday (this past Wednesday) with another surgery to be done in 4 to 6 weeks. MY plans were not to mention those surgeries on Facebook and to keep things low key. (So please dont ask me, David or any of the family about them.) Ive had the first surgery. I was looking forward to having a time of REST! I dont have the biggest need here - Drew and my Mom do, along with all the caregivers. Michaels mom will be helping Angela a lot as she is filling in for me as well. She is great to help Angela weekly. Ive got people lined up to finish the last three weeks of the bible study classes. I still do not want visitors, food or anything. Im going to try to use it as a time of in-depth bible study and reading. Quickly I got my mom moved on Tuesday to the Nursing Home (The Arbor) at The Orchard. They were very helpful in working fast and getting her moved. I was hoping that Mom would adjust and really not notice too much since she is so far into her Alzheimers disease. Well, unfortunately, she is upset and knows there has been a change. I need to be with her everyday right now, but I cant - Jesus can though! This is a BIG change for her! I hired a nurse for her to have the first 24 hours with one person who would be watching her every minute. Jesus will comfort her! All the staff at The Arbor understand that I cant be there at this time. They are calling me often to let me know how she is doing. Pray for her to have peace of mind, AND, pray for me to have peace of mind. Notice the verse I posted on my cover photo last week :-) I still stand by my statement that - We can trust God, no matter what! We have to remember that God has the big picture and He is in control. I cant fix everything - life is full of change! Actually Ive learned that it is far better to give things over to God and trust Him to strengthen us through one day at a time. If I try to fix everything, it just doesnt work out very well! Everyone faces changes - its how we react that can make a difference! RECAP: Prayers needed for Drew, Angela, Michael, John David and Ashlyn. Michael and Angela are exhausted. Prayers are needed for David, my Mom, myself and all the caregivers my mom has now. Pray for April, John and Mackenzie as they live in Texas and cant be with us during all of this. I still want this to be a time of rest for me - I know you all care, but you dont need to call or bring food. PRAYER is what is needed most. There is no need to call David as he is balancing work and family. I will be fine! Everyone will be fine! Hopefully you all didnt mind reading this. But you are FAMILY to me too ;-) God answers prayers that are in His will! He meets our every need! Now after typing this, I feel so much better. Sometimes we just need to give ourselves permission to let our needs be known. Thank you for making it to the end of this very long post ;-) Im so glad Facebook doesnt still limit our post to only a few words. That was very challenging for me in the past ;-)
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:01:07 +0000

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