I was sharing one of the lovely ads related to diamonds that are - TopicsExpress


I was sharing one of the lovely ads related to diamonds that are floating around on our (Indian) television these days with my brother. Without really reacting he told me the story he had read behind the craze that was created for diamonds so that there can be a need created for it, and also the subsequent scarcity. This is what he shared: The world does not have a scarcity of diamonds. It is an artificial scarcity brought about by DBeers. They own every diamond mine in the world and if any new mines are found, they either buy the mines out or crush the competition. They let just a trickle of supply of diamonds out into the market keeping the price high. DBeers was once even blacklisted by the government of USA and there were orders to arrest any company representative who set foot on the US soil. The whole concept of gifting a diamond ring and the size of the stone reflecting a mans status or income is the result of a genius marketing campaign by them in the past. Suddenly, you needed a diamond costing more than half your lifes savings to prove your worth to your woman and society Not only that, Leonardo DiCaprios heartbreaking movie, Blood Diamond, is based on the novel written by a man who was heartbroken and left with a diamond ring from a broken relationship, who decided to go searching for the origin of that diamond (that perhaps broke his heart). Thanks Apurv for changing my life with your trivia almost every time.
Posted on: Sun, 06 Jul 2014 12:28:37 +0000

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