I was sitting here thinking about my grandmother, Nettie Lucille - TopicsExpress


I was sitting here thinking about my grandmother, Nettie Lucille Fisher, and how I miss her so much at times. We used to laugh, argue, cry and just plain talk to each other all the time. She was very instrumental in me being the man I am today! I will always love her. With that being said, I cant help but laugh at some of the things she used to say to me! Many have wondered where my cooking bug come from and of course, my SARCASM....well, I can credit her for both! *LOL* Here are a few of my favorite jewels from my grandmother! ~ENJOY~ 1. One time I came in the house at like 3am and she was wide awake, of course. I was a lil tipsy and I looked in her room and said, Good Night! She politely looked over at me and said, Yeah, good night to you too. Tell me this though... aint nothing open this time of night but fast food restaurants and legs... and uh, I dont see you with no food. So what have you been up to?! *LOL* Good Night Momma!! 2. While she didnt like it, I used to get drink fire water (as she called it) on the front porch and chill. One time I came through to throw away the evidence, and she was in the kitchen. She looked at me and shook her head. I said, What now? She replied, Listen... you dont have to find your home at the bottom of the bottle all the time! *SMH... she was right!* 3. Once, there was some money that came up missing in her home. She asked everyone that came through, then she asked to speak to me. When I sat down, she politely said, Im going to ask you this one time, and remember, you dont know what I have stuffed between the mattress and box spring. So, do you have my money?! I said, Momma... now you know I dont have it! She said, I DONT KNOW NOTHING! When my money comes up missing, everybody is a suspect... that includes you and YO MOMMA Beverly Hunter). HUMPH! Ninjas (yall know what she really said instead of NINJA) will steal Jesus down off the cross, if they could! I dont trust non of yall! *LOL* She did have a point though! 4. and the last jewel: Listen baby, Im going to tell you the secret to having a GOOD YEAR. Spend 6 months out the year minding your own business and the other 6 months, staying out of everybody elses business! That will be a good year. (Little did she know...but thats Bible (or maybe she did): Make it your goal to live a quiet life, minding your own business and working with your hands, just as we instructed you before. (1 Thes 4:11) I love you Nettie Lucille Fisher!!! You were the best!! Thanking God He allowed me to spend so much time with you... to gain some of your wisdom!
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 18:55:02 +0000

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