I was sitting here thinking and Id like to tell you all 10 movies - TopicsExpress


I was sitting here thinking and Id like to tell you all 10 movies that scared the crap out of me when I was a little kid. 10- Creepshow 2. That scene where the blob was eating those kids out on the raft always freaked me out when I was real little. 9- Cujo. Me and my mom actually had a St. Bernard dog when I was a little kid, and every time hed bark Id get scared after I watched Cujo. Corky was a good dog though. 8- The Shining- The scene where Jack Nicholson was hallucinating and the scarred up lady who came out of the bathtub after him always gave me the willies. 7- A Nightmare on Elm Street- Freddy Krueger terrified me when I was little, Theres only 1 Freddy Krueger-Robert Englund. 6- Evil Dead 2- the scene where Bruce Campbells flying through the woods, then he hits the tree, then lands face first in the puddle. The water starts bubbling then he pops up and his face is all possessed looking gave me nightmares. 5- Cyborg- My favorite Jean Claude Van Damme movie. The villain in that movie scared me with the eye contact lens and the prosthetic sharpened teeth. 4- Leprechaun 2- The scene where he pops out of the guys stomach with the pot of gold freaked me the heck out. 3- Howard the Duck- I have no idea why this movie scared me when I was little, I did get my finger bitten by a duck at Suson Park when I was 5 so that mustve been why lol! 2- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade- The end where they open the treasure and theyre not supposed to look at it and the peoples skin and stuff melted, I didnt sleep too good that night. 1- Hellraiser- An amazing story from Clive Barker- The final scene where Andrew Robertson gets torn apart by those hooks. One of my favorite horror films of all time. I first watched this movie when I was 7 years old.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 06:48:22 +0000

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