I was sitting in the doctors waiting room reading an article in a - TopicsExpress


I was sitting in the doctors waiting room reading an article in a National Geographic magazine about England. In approximately 6,500 BC, England was connected by land with the rest of Europe. In addition Ireland was also connected by a landmass to England. Unfortunately the ice began to melt (Climate Change) forming the English Channel and the Irish Sea. Its a shame that Al Gore wasnt alive then so he could warn the world of the pending man made disaster. If President Obama was able to pass a carbon tax back in 6,500 BC thereby reducing global carbon emission from automobiles, Industrial factories thats used fossil fuels the Irish could have driven from Dublin to Paris in there electric cars. If only the green movement could have been around to stop auto emissions from destroying the planet, saved the three testicular one eye frog from extinction, forced everyone to drive an electric car, more solar and wind energy resources to replace that nasty mining of coal and fracking of gas the ice age would have remained and we would be better off today. Wait a minute, all that melting ice and climate change came about not because of mans evil carbon footprint, it was contributed to Mother Nature and a slight tilt in the Earths rotation. So to Mr. Gore, Obama and others instead of taxing us more why not have everyone move to the Western Hemisphere to balance out the Earths rotation.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Mar 2014 13:30:40 +0000

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